  • 學位論文


The Efficiency of Business Benefit of The Colorful Broiler Industry after Implementing Electric Slaughter by The Government

指導教授 : 王俊豪


「有色肉雞」,長期以來一直是我們重要的民生必需品,年產值接近200億元,雖然白色肉雞市場佔有率有逐年提高的跡象,可是牠仍然是我國重要的產業之一。「電動屠宰」是政府近十多年來對畜禽產業主要的推動政策,有色肉雞起步較晚,產業結構或是經營效益難免會產生變化,尤其對生產者及運銷業者比較有重大的影響,至於影響程度如何?相關單位或是業者該如何處理與應變?這是本研究的主要動機。 本研究在2019年7月以問卷調查方式訪查110位生產者及10位運銷業者;利用「財務比率分析法」來了解受訪者的經營效益在政府全面實施電動屠宰之後是否有成長或是衰退,以做為此項政策成功或是失敗的衡量指標。財務比率分析法的內容包含:安定能力、獲利能力、活動能力、經營能力及成長能力等五力,其中每一個項目中又有幾個計算公式,總共有15個衡量公式。 本研究發現,有色肉雞生產者及雞販運輸業者除了負債比率有降低,其餘14個衡量公式皆有成長,這顯示政府在2014年全面實施電動屠宰的政策是對全民有利的;當然後續仍然有不少問題,諸如,生產者方面仍有偏高的比率交給雞販銷售、契約產銷的比率不高、不太願意加入有色肉雞相關的組織,運銷業者方面宜再積極輔導提高大規模業者的雞隻先進入電動屠宰的比率、或是讓這些大規模的業者參與電動屠宰場的投資、或是鼓勵消費者到超市或量販店購買、或是鼓勵、補貼零售業者設置冷藏設施、或是採用網路直銷的方式等方式來改善或是加強。


The coloured meat broilers have been the most commonly selected meat for our daily uses. The annual output value of this product is almost 20 billion Taiwanese dollars. The coloured meat boilers are one of the most important products in Taiwan’s chicken industries, even though the market share of the white meat broilers have been increasing in the past few years. Our government promotes electric slaughter in recent decades. In addition, it is the mainly policy to the animal industry. The study mainly discusses the impact between the manufacturers and the buyers, the degree how it impacts, and how those departments deal with it. The study used the questionnaire to survey 110 manufacturers and transportations in July 2019. It utilizes Financial Ratio Analysis to understand the efficiency of the business benefit after implementing electric slaughter is growing or not. The efficiency is growing or not will be the index to know the policy is successful or not. Financial Ratio Analysis provides 5 analyses, 15 formulas in total. The study had found that every calculation formula from the colorful broiler manufacturers and transportations had risen, except for the debt ratio. This shows the policy that the government promoted in 2014 is beneficial to people. Although there are some problems from the manufacturers, buyers, organizations and the transportations, there are some ways to make them better. For example, we can ask more manufactures start utilizing electric slaughter, or investing the equipment of the electric slaughter. We can also ask consumers to buy at the supermarket or even use the internet.


MBA智庫百科 http://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw
中華民國養雞協會網站 http//poultry.org.tw
王 奧 丁 凱 2006 企業經營管理 清華大學出版社
台灣土雞標準推廣手冊 2000 中華民國養雞協會。
台灣家禽統計手冊 2017中華民國養雞協會。
