  • 學位論文


Effect of TC on Large-scale Circulation

指導教授 : 許晃雄
共同指導教授 : 鄒治華 洪志誠(Chi-Cherng Hong)




The influence of large–scale circulation on tropical cyclone has been extensively studied. An Active monsoon trough provides a favorable environment for TC genesis and development. TC occurrences also are modulated by interseasonal oscillation. On the contrary, whether and how tropical cyclones affect the large-scale environment is hardly explored. This study is aimed to explore the TC’s effect on the large-scale circulation by studying the barotropic energy conversion between TC and background flow, and using a barotropic model to simulate the Rossby wave dispersion induced by TC. For the energy conversion study, TC circulations were removed from analysis and the difference between the original circulation and the TC-revmoved circulation is considered as TC impact on the large-scale circulation. TC tends to enhance the energy conversion between the eddies and background circulation along its moving track. In the monsoon trough region, TC enhances energy convert from mean flow to synoptic eddy, but enhances energy conversion from synoptic eddy to mean flow in the subtropical anticyclonic ridge region. TC contribution to the energy conversion also depends on the nature of background flow. For example, when ISO is active, the monsoon trough is usually well developed and creates a favorable condition for TC genesis and development. At the same time, TC often acts to amplify the MKE conversions to EKE and strengthens the background flow that is favorable for TC.. Diagnostic and numerical results suggest that TC tends to generate downstream Rossby wave dispersion in the extratropical North Pacific toward North America. This effect is more efficient in the ISO active phase than in inactive phase. The ISO in the active phase apparently provides a stronger waveguide for the downstream propagation of Rossby wave. The results of this study suggest that TC and large-scale background flow tend to form a positive feedback system which functions like mutualism.


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