  • 學位論文


The Performance Investigation of the Recirculation Tumble Dryer with the Combination of the Heat Exchanger

指導教授 : 陳希立


本研究主要探討乾衣機結合熱交換器的回風性能研究,其主要目的是找出經熱交換器降低濕度的氣體和經熱交換器預熱的氣體之間最佳的混合比例,以提高熱交換器乾衣機的效率。 本研究也採用國際通用的SMER(specific moisture extraction rate)作為乾衣機性能指標的探討,本研究先建立簡易的乾衣機和熱交換器數學模型,來計算各種不回風比例下的乾衣機性能,並搭配實驗來驗證改良式乾衣機的性能。在實驗方面,先針對一般家用傳統式乾衣機做基礎實驗量測,經實驗測量得到總耗電量和烘乾效率等重要實驗結果。然後,透過加入回風管路的架設和熱交換器來改良傳統式乾衣機,再根據不同的回風比例做基礎實驗量測。實驗完成後,比較在不同回風比例下的各種乾衣機性能。 實驗結果可以得到乾衣機在60%時的回風比例下有較佳的節能效益,可以比傳統乾衣機減少約16%的耗電量且擁有最小的SMER值為1.099和最佳的烘乾效率。


The study intends to develop a recirculation tumble dryer with the combination of the cross-flow plate heat exchanger. Using the heat exchanger to dehumidify and recover the energy of the exhaust air could enhance the drying efficiency of the tumble dryer. Specific moisture extraction rate (SMER) is an international performance index of the tumble dryer. The study formulates a simple mathematical model to predict the performance of the tumble dryer with different recirculation factor. Besides, the experiments are conducted to verify the theoretical results. The results indicate that as the recirculation factor is 60%, this tumble dryer possess the best performance and whose SMER is 1.099. This case could save 16 percent of the energy consumption compared to the conventional tumble dryer.


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