  • 學位論文

微網誌Plurk使用行為之研究 ─ 以科技意會的觀點

A Research of User Behavior of Plurk, a Micro-Blogging Service, with Technology Sense-Making Perspective

指導教授 : 謝清佳


近年來微網誌服務盛行,成為學術與企業界關注的焦點。本研究從科技意會的角度,探討由於使用者看待Plurk的視野不同,會賦予Plurk不同之意義,進一步產生不同的使用行為。 透過深度訪談與資料分析,本研究認識到,若就整體而言,使用者對於Plurk的有「生活SNG頻道」、「心情留言板」、「有求必應諮詢中心」與「達人情報站�廣播宣傳車」四種科技意會類型。若單獨從人際而言,使用者對於Plurk產生有三種的社交圈定義:「我家小客廳」 ─ 現實生活的延伸、「雞尾酒Party」─現實與虛擬可互通的社交平台、「言論廣場」─公開的論壇。


As the micro-blogging services are getting more popular recently, they become the research focus of the academics and practitioners. This research investigated Plurk users’ behavior from sense-making perspective. Through in-depth interview and content analysis, we found two sets of senses from a holistic view. First, four kinds of sense-making toward Plurk are “Live Journal of My Life,” “Storybook of My Feeling,” “Enquires Desk” and “Expert Zone/Internet Broadcaster.” Second, putting Plurk in a social network perspective, the users make three different senses which are “Inner Circle,” “Cocktail Party” and “Soapbox.”


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