  • 學位論文


The study of new compilation of three kingdom story during Late Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 康韻梅


本論文題目為「晚清以降《三國志演義》故事新編研究」,主要是為了解決三國故事經典文本的續衍問題──既然《三國志演義》早已被奉為文學經典,何以還有人願意碰觸三國歷史題材?──晚清以降,出現了不少小說作者,藉由不斷地改編、重寫來建構他們自己的、時代的三國英雄及三國史觀。同樣屬於三國題材的創作,它們不僅常常修正《三國志演義》的諸多觀點,甚至直接挑戰�解構《三國志演義》的意識形態。諸多續衍問題始終無法在既有的學術研究資源裡,獲得適切的、合理的且整體的解答,甚至連晚清以來三國題材的改編、重寫的作品調查都付之闕如,顯示出這個議題仍有待進一步關注與重視。   本論文以陸士諤、周大荒、南宮搏、陳舜臣、陶然等五位小說家的三國故事新編作品為主,這五位研究對象橫跨了中、港、臺、日四地,應可建立起晚清以降亞洲「三國」圖像的初步框架,為三國相關研究做出一些具體的貢獻。具體而言,本論文分為三大區塊,其一、解讀這些作家作品文本內涵。其二、回應三國故事何以被一說再說。其三、建立起晚清以降三國故事新編的脈絡。解讀、回應與建立是本論文之所以存在的緣由。


This thesis title is " The study of new compilation of three kingdom story during Late Qing Dynasty” which aim to solve the extended question from classic Three Kingdoms: why do people still want to study the history of Three Kingdoms which is seen as a classic literature? For constructing their own hero of Three Kingdoms and concept of Three Kingdoms in their era, there are many authors who revise, rewrite Three Kingdoms. They not only revised many viewpoints in Romance of Three Kingdoms, but challenged as well as reconstructed the ideology. There are too many extended questions cannot be properly answered from existing research resources, even the survey is not too many to find. It is indeed to pay attention on this issue. This thesis based on rehash stories of Three Kingdoms revised by Lushie, Zhoudahuang, Nangongbo, Chenshunchen, Taoran from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan. It should construct the basic frame of Three Kingdoms from the late Qing Dynasty and output some specific contributions. This thesis has three part: first, interpreting and finding core meanings of writings from Lushie, Zhoudahuang, Nangongbo, Chenshunchen, Taoran; second, responding the questions: why do Three kingdoms to be revised repeatedly; third, constructing the frame of rehash stories of Romance of Three Kingdoms from the late Qing Dynasty. Interpreting, responding and constructing are values from this thesis to be existed.


