  • 學位論文


The Study of Evaluation and Response to feedback:Exploring the interaction effect of feedback sign, feedback style and cultural self-construal

指導教授 : 戚樹誠


績效回饋對於員工的行為改變及績效改善上扮演著很重要的角色。然而許多研究顯示回饋可能造成正向或負向的影響,負向回饋尤其容易使人產生負向的知覺。因此如何有效發揮回饋的效益,提高個人對回饋的滿意度及改善意願,即為一重要課題。依據文獻,個人對回饋的評價會影響其行為,且情境線索可以改變個人對於回饋的注意力及反應。本研究提出不同的回饋方式(資訊型、評價型)會影響個人對於回饋的評價(資訊價值、自我威脅性),同時會干擾回饋方向(正、負向)與回饋評價之關係。再者,由於個人對回饋的知覺可能因為文化背景而有差異,在中西文化交流頻繁的此刻,單一文化下個人的文化我(獨立我、相依我)亦可能影響對回饋的評價,故本研究即探討回饋方向、回饋方式與文化我之互動效果。 本研究因實驗方式的不同,分為兩個研究。研究一是以情境實驗設計(scenario experiment),將模擬的回饋情境給受試者閱讀;研究二以實驗法進行,受試者必須實際完成一個任務,然後會收到回饋。兩者皆對回饋方向、回饋方式進行操弄,共有2(正向回饋、負向回饋)*2(資訊型、評價型)四種,受試者會隨機分配到其中一種。受試者需再填寫文化我、回饋評價與反應的問卷。兩個研究分別有119位及125位大學生參與實驗。 實驗資料主要以階層式迴歸進行分析,主要發現如下: 一、資訊型回饋會使接收者知覺到比評價型回饋更高的資訊價值、更低的自我威脅性。 二、當個人具有愈高的相依我時,回饋的資訊價值愈高。 三、回饋方向、回饋方式對資訊價值之二階交互作用,達顯著水準:當回饋是資訊型時,回饋方向與資訊價值的正向關係影響會比評價型時弱。 四、回饋方向、相依我對資訊價值二階交互作用,在研究一中達顯著水準。當相依我低時,回饋方向與資訊價值之正向關係較強。 五、回饋方向、獨立我對資訊價值二階交互作用,在研究二中達顯著水準。當獨立我高時,回饋方向與資訊價值的正向關係較強。 六、回饋方向、回饋方式與相依我對於資訊價值的三階交互作用,在研究一中達顯著水準。 七、回饋之資訊價值與回饋滿意度、改善意願為正相關。回饋之自我威脅性則與回饋滿意度為負相關。


Performance feedback plays an important role in employees’ behavior change or performance improvement. However, numerous studies showed that feedback may not definitely have positive impacts, receivers are likely react negatively to unfavorable feedback. Thus, it is important to find ways to augment the effectiveness of feedback, increase receivers’ satisfaction to feedback and motive to improve performance. Since receivers’ evaluation toward feedback would influence their consequent behavior, and situational cues could change their attentions and reactions. This study proposed that feedback style( informational and evaluative) would influence receivers’ evaluation to feedback(informational value and ego threat), and moderate the relationship between feedback sign and informational values of feedback. Moreover, culture may influence receivers’ perception to feedback. As more and more culture interactions nowadays, people with different cultural self –construals (independent and interdependent self- construals) within one culture may perceive differently to feedback. This study also examined the effects of cultural self -construals and the moderating role it play in the evaluation of feedback. This study conducted two sub-studies because of different designs. Study one used scenarios experiment to examine the hypotheses. Participants read the description of simulated feedback situation. In study two, participants were asked to complete a task and then received feedback. In both studies, feedback sign, feedback style were manipulated, which formed a 2×2 experiment design. Participants were randomly assigned to one of the four conditions and they also completed the scales of cultural self -construals, evaluation and reaction of feedback. 119 and 125 college students were participated in the tow studies respectively. Data were analyzed by hierarchical regression analysis. The main findings were as the follows: 1.Receivers perceive more informational values and less ego threat by informational style feedback than evaluative style one. 2.Receivers with higher interdependent self- construal, perceive the more informational value. 3.The interaction effect of feedback sign and feedback style on informational value was significant in study one. 4.The interaction effect of feedback sign and interdependent self -construal on informational value was significant in study two. 5.The interaction effect of feedback sign, feedback style and interdependent self- construal on informational value was significant in study two. 6.Perceived information value of feedback was positively related to feedback satisfaction and motivation to improve performance. 7.Perceived ego threat was negatively related to feedback satisfaction.


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