  • 學位論文


Exploring the relationship between the Tawushan Nature Reserve and indigenous local communities

指導教授 : 盧道杰


大武山自然保留區於 1988 (民國 77) 年依文化資產保存法公告劃設,迄今已 有廿餘年歷史,為目前國內範圍最大、擁有完整森林生態系的森林型自然保留區。 周遭原住民族基於生活及文化祭儀等因素的需求,仍在保留區內進行許多資源利 用活動。管理機關依法限制資源使用與非有關人員進出,而與地方需求相左,造 成雙方關係緊張。借鏡近年普遍認知現地保育需要與在地社群有所連結,考量人 文社會與自然保育間平衡的國際保育典範,本研究認為大武山自然保留區基於法 規僵化,缺乏主動經營管理的介入空間、少有與在地社群互動機會等現況,該保 留區在經營管理及與周遭社區關係皆有許多改進空間。


自然保留區 原住民 權利 保育 在地社區


Based on the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act, the Tawushan Natural Reserve was designated in 1988. Tawushan Natural Reserve is the biggest one of protected areas in Taiwan, with intact forestry ecosystem. Local indigenous peoples who live around Tawushan Natural Reserve keep visiting their old tribes, hunting, gathering, and holding ceremonies. The authority strictly prohibits resource using and limits to access, which is at odds with indigenous demand and leading to tension between the two sides. Learning from the cognitive of the linkage between in situ conservation and local community in recent years, to consider the conservation paradigm of the balance between sociaty and natural conservation. This study suggests that based on the situation of Tawushan Nature Reserve, which includes rigid regulation, the lack of active intervention of the operation and management of space, and less interaction between the authority and local communities. There are lots of rooms for improving management and the relationship between the authority and local communities.


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