  • 學位論文


The Study on Sexual Harassment Issues of “ Students to Teachers” and Prevention Education in Junior High School

指導教授 : 吳秀玲


近幾年校園性騷擾問題逐漸廣被重視,相關文章亦聚焦於學生間和師對生的事件,關於生對師之性騷擾的研究極為缺乏,然而性騷擾的學術討論定義為權力關係的不平等,那為數不少,卻又與定義相悖的生師性騷擾是如何發生的?位於權力低位者的學生,是如何跨越生師間的權力鴻溝而對教師性騷擾?箇中原因頗值深入探究。 本研究旨在瞭解國中教師們自擔任教職以來,是否有因教師身分而遭受學生性騷擾的狀況。透過質性研究,對曾經遭受學生性騷擾的教師進行深度訪談,描述受訪者主觀上對「生師」性騷擾的界定、歸因、因應策略和相關困境等,從組織環境、性別角力和文化因素探討生師性騷擾的經驗與看法,並分別以組織內權力理論、性別角色溢出理論和陽剛文化獎勵理論為基礎進行研析,以期能填補現行校園防治教育疏漏之處。 針對研究發現,筆者提出以下建議: 一、法規部分 建議〈性別平等教育法〉更重視教師受害之可能,以避免為數龐大的教師若遭遇生對師性騷擾時求助無門;訂定適合我國國情之法規判斷標準與基本原則,有助於減少教師與行政人員在處理此類案件時無所適從的窘況;強制通報之規定考量實務困境,給予特殊性案件之彈性處理的通融空間,並更新通報系統,以便與「兩小無猜」法規相應;設立簡易版性平機制,改善曠日廢時的冗長程序;建立後續懲處之標準提供性平會與會教師們參照,增加輔導介入之因事制宜的彈性,並加強懲處和教育之強制性。 二、申訴管道 從源頭的師資培育體系,增設調查性騷擾事件之課程培訓,並核發相關專業認證,以增進新進教師之相關調查能力;提供學校處理校園性騷擾事件所需人力,給予合宜之經費獎勵,或成立性平辦公室由專人負責處理相關業務,以避免學校行政人員的消極處置,並致力於申訴管道的多樣化;調查專業人員由主管機關指派與避免雙重關係,且除既定研習時數外,增設法院見習制度與淘汰制度,使其更具專業能力;性騷擾申訴管道納入校務評鑑之考核,定期針對校園性平工作進行調查,公告執行狀況,不佳者限期改善等配套措施。


In recent years, campus sexual harassment appeals to the public attention increasingly, while on the other hand, relative articles also gradually focus on sexual harassment among students and between teacher-to-student cases. Nevertheless, there are rare research that explore on the student-to-teacher sexual harassment, even though a large amount of academic discussions define sexual harassment as inequality of power relationship. In this regard, how does student-to-teacher sexual harassment, which is in contrast to the original definition, occur? To take a step further, how do the student located in the lower power position cross over the student-and-teacher power gap, and make sexual harassment to the teacher? Under such premise, therefore, this study intends to understand the conditions of the junior high school teachers encountering students’ sexual harassment due to their identity of teacher since beginning their teaching career. Through qualitative research method, the researcher proceeded in-depth interviews to describe the interviewees’ subjective perspectives of the definition, causes, reactive strategies, and related dilemmas of sexual harassment. Besides, bases on those interviews, this study explores those interviewees’ experiences and opinions of student-to-teacher harassment from the organization environment, sexual role, and cultural factors. Last of all, the power theory within the organization, sexual role spillover theory, and masculine culture incentive theory were used to explore this subject, expecting to further supplement the insufficiency of the current campus prevention education. According to the research findings, the author proposes the following suggestions: 1. The Law Part It is suggested the Gender Equity Education Act can place even higher emphasis on the teachers’ possibility of being the victim of sexual harassment, and avoid a huge number of teachers’ being helpless victims. To support both the school teachers and administrative personnel’s confusion in handling such cases, to regulate the standard as well as fundamental principles may be helpful. In other aspects, mandatory notification has to concern the practical difficulty in enforcement, providing the space of flexible treatment for the special cases, and updating reporting system regularly to coordinate with the “the Law of Young and Innocent Sexual Offender”. Furthermore, it is suggested that a simple-version sexual equity mechanism should be established to avoid lengthy duration of running administrative procedures, and set up standard treatment methods for subsequent punishment for consultancy of the Gender Equity Education Act. And finally, it is also expected that more flexibility space can be given to mentoring intervention to raise adaptivity of different cases, and even effectively put the punishment enforcement into practice. 2. The Appeal Channel Part From the origin of teacher education system, it is hoped that training programs of sexual harassment investigation may be increased, and associated professional certificates can be issued to better the new teachers relative investigative ability. In the meantime, it is also expected that more human labor can be provide to the schools to handle such affairs with proper expense and incentives. Or, the Sexual Equity Office can be set up and professional personnel can be in charge of the related events and issues. By such way, we can avoid that the administrative personnel handle such cases passively, while the appeal channels can be diversified. Seriously speaking, the professional investigation personnel assigned by the authority organ(s) should avoid overlapped and dual functions. In addition to the existing in-service training hours, the law court clerkship system and elimination system can be added, so that the teachers can enhance their expertise. The sexual harassment channels can be included into the audit of school evaluation, a survey of the campus sexual equity work be regularly should be made, the practice outcomes can be announced, and those that perform poor should be demanded to improve within a limit of time.


(一) 專書
王麗容(1998),〈性別歧視與性侵害事件危機處理模式、輔導轉介流程及通報申訴制度規劃發展〉,《教育部專案研究計畫期末報告》,台北:教育部,頁 35-36,頁43-44。
