  • 學位論文


Development of bio-applicable nanoparticles for the promotion of fracture healing

指導教授 : 何佳安


根據中華民國骨質疏鬆症學會的統計數字,台灣民眾髖關節骨折發生率在國際間名列前茅。而目前臨床醫學並無針對骨折癒合修復的專屬用藥,因此本研究的目標是開發生物相容性的奈米粒子促進骨折的修復速度,加速病患斷骨的癒合,減低病患生理、心理的壓力和經濟負擔。針對改善骨折患處局部的微環境,以加速骨折癒合。本研究的策略包括:(1)緩解骨折初期產生之急性發炎反應。(2)調節骨折微環境中巨噬細胞的極化。本研究利用兩種劑型:(1)生物可降解的奈米載體(PLGA)包覆抗發炎藥物,用以緩解發炎;(2)PLGA包覆免疫調節藥物,在骨折微環境增加M2巨噬細胞數量達到加速癒合目的。同時,在奈米粒子外層修飾玻尿酸,增加極化巨噬細胞效率。抗炎藥物選擇上,設計篩藥平台用篩選適合骨折修復的抗炎藥物,條件包括了LPS處理RAW264.7細胞株模擬發炎環境,加入臨床使用的抗發炎藥物進行測試,DCFDA偵測自由基、Griess試劑檢測一氧化氮等發炎指標的產物來確認藥物的效力,同時也利用MTT測試細胞存活率確認有效劑量。使用alizarin rad s染色,偵測抗發炎藥物是否影響造骨細胞的分化,並使用TRAP染色,偵測抗發炎藥物是否影響蝕骨細胞的分化能力,經由篩藥平台的篩選,阿斯匹靈是適合骨折使用之抗炎藥物。本研究亦使用巨噬細胞株,經由QPCR、Flow cytometry等技術建立並鑑定辛伐他汀成功介導M2-like巨噬細胞數量,並且於巨噬細胞轉換的過程中成功觀察到造骨細胞分化。接著,將辛伐他汀進行奈米劑型合成,該載體經證實有效介導M2-like巨噬細胞數量進而促進造骨細胞活化。本研究成功藉由核磁共振成像觀察到本研究開發的奈米載體可使骨傷位置呈現消炎狀態,並開創雙光子共軛焦顯微鏡即時觀察動物骨質上巨噬細胞極化狀態。綜合以上,本研究之奈米劑型極具潛力應用於促骨癒合。


According to statistics released by the Taiwanese Osteoporosis Association, the incidence of hip bone fracture in Taiwan ranks at top in Asia. Traditional repair of fracture remains to be anatomic reduction and rigid internal fixation. Bone fracture may be costly, in terms of direct medical costs and lost productivity. Up to now, there is no clinical medication available that is specifically designed for fractures. Hence, in this study is to develop bio-compatible nanoparticles to promote the bone repair, leading to the acceleration in the rehabilitation of the patients, and shortening of the recovery time. One of our strategies in promoting bone fracture is to improve the inflammatory microenvironment of fracture site. The other strategy is related to the manipulation of macrophages (toward M2-like) involving in fracture repair. We herein design two nano-formulations for achieving our specific aims. The utilization of bio-degradable PLGA nanoparticles, carrying anti-inflammatory drugs is to relieve inflammation. While immunomodulatory drugs were encapsulated in hyaluronic acid-modified PLGA nanoparticles, the switch of M0 macrophage to M2-like macrophage become feasible. Recently, we have proved that nanoformulations can improve bone fracture healing via in vitro/in vivo experiment. This experimental evidence can make our nanoformulations as potential medicine for bone fracture in clinical.


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