  • 學位論文


Exploring Medical Platform Ecosystem: A case study of Dinghan

指導教授 : 謝明慧


本研究藉由個案研究法探析企業在發展過程中,組織策略如何協同外在環境變化、如何布建醫療生態系統中共生共榮的合作夥伴關係等。研究延續李尚儒碩士的整體性觀點,結合生態系統、平臺、共生營銷等理論觀點,試圖建構整體性觀點的研究架構,以期作為其它企業未來平臺策略之參考。 以角色定位而言介於樞紐者及支配者之間;就平臺治理而言以服務提供商的屬性不同處於不同程度的開放程度;而就平臺策略而言則依會員的屬性採用鎖入或多角化策略。研究發現,企業的競爭優勢不僅來源於內部價值鏈活動的優化和資源能力的積累,還來源於對外部資源的有效利用,來自於企業整合、優化生態系統內夥伴關係的能力。而商業生態系統中的成員關係也並非零和,而是可以共創共贏。 本研究建立平臺經營者的角色與治理平臺、明確平臺策略並用微觀角度檢視平臺夥伴的合作案例,明確共營銷的模式的成敗建立平臺經營者的角色與治理平臺。最後用微觀角度檢視平臺夥伴的合作案例,明確共營銷的模式的成敗,期待未來研究的個案時間長些及同類個案數量多些。


With the method of case study, this thesis probed into firms’ strategy how to adjust or change with external environment, and how to structure cooperative partnerships for symbiosis and co-prosperity in the medical ecosystem. Based on the perspective of business ecosystem, platform, and symbiotic marketing, and continued with the study of Shangru Lee, this research attempted to develop a holistic framework to provide reference for other enterprises and create innovative thinking for health care industry in the future. The study found that the competitive advantage of an enterprise is not only derived from the optimization of internal value chain activities and the accumulation of resource capabilities, but also from the effective use of external resources, and from the ability to leverage other partnership resources in business ecosystem. In addition, the study also found that the partners in business ecosystem is not always zero-sum relationship, but it can be a win-win situation.


medical ecosystem platform strategy symbiotic health care industry


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