  • 學位論文


The United States’ Super Power on the Information Technology Industry

指導教授 : 蕭全政


本文以美國聯邦政府與電腦廠商之間的利害競合為主軸,分析二次大戰末期,電腦出現以來,美國政商如何透過各自理性的運作,藉由「權力」的行使,共同主導了資訊科技與經濟模式的變革,最終將資訊經濟發展的整體走向,形塑成對雙方都有利的「偏差」;在沒有其他行為者可以挑戰美國地位的前提下,這種權力的行使,其實是一種「霸權」。 美國政府在美國資訊霸權的形塑過程中,顯然又比美國廠商扮演了更主動積極的角色。有鑑於此,本文將以分析資訊產業的歷史變遷作為主要途徑,將整個電腦產業的發展,依照時間序列與主流產品,分為大型主機、個人電腦與網際網路三個時期;並以這三個時期為劃分,說明美國聯邦政府如何善用了美國電腦廠商的實力與特質,在一次一次的變遷中,獲取美國在資訊經濟裡的霸權地位。除此之外,不同階段的美國政商關係之演變、國際體系其他國家政府與廠商對美國的挑戰,以及美國的因應之道也是本文所要討論的範圍。 文章的第一章主要論及全文的問題意識、分析架構、以及其他文獻的回顧。第二章將討論大型主機時代,美國政府與企業如何佔盡資訊經濟早期的先發優勢。第三章旨在探討美國政府與企業如何形塑了資訊經濟的個人電腦時代,第四章則在探討美國政府與企業如何形塑了資訊經濟的網路時代。本文的最後一章,第五章,將涉及資訊經濟結構的形成、美國以外的各個國家與企業在當前資訊經濟結構裡的處境與競爭策略、以及它們之間的互動,對未來美國所領導的資訊經濟的影響。


美國 資訊 產業 電腦 網際網路 知識經濟 政府 聯邦政府 科技政策 IBM 英特爾 微軟 貿易 智慧財產 研發 301 霸權


The article seeks to discover the reasons why the United States could be the super power in the information technology industry. By tracing back to the history of the computer itself, the author analyzes the roles of Federal Government and American firms played in the development of information technology. How the government and companies of the United States cooperated to form the structure of the “information economic pyramid ”, which inclined to the benefits of both of them, is the most important issue in the thesis. The history of the computer industry could be divided into 3 stages by time series and main products: mainframe (1950’-early 1980’), personal computer (early 1980’-mid 1990’), and the Internet (mid 1990’ -nowadays). The promotion of each stage was formed by the “power” of Federal Government and computer companies. Since no other political or economic actors could challenge the status of the US, the power of the United States would be explained as “super power”. Opposite to some other opinions, the author views that the Federal Government, which utilized the characters of the United States’ companies, acted especially essential and active role in pursuing the country’s super power in the global computer industry structure. Besides the US public and private sectors, the challenges or collaboration of governments and firms from other countries are also important parts of this research. The article contains five chapters. The first chapter discusses about research incentives, literature review, and theoretical framework. Chapter Two explains the reason why American government and companies gained competitive advantages in the early stage of computer industry. Chapter Three expresses collaboration between United States’ administration and corporations in the age of personal computer, and Chapter Four interprets such collaboration in Internet era. Chapter Five is the conclusion and discussion of future development of computer industry.


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