  • 學位論文


How does the knowledge transformation process accelerate the internationalization of born global firms: a qualitative case study of Franz Collection Inc.

指導教授 : 謝明慧


國際新創事業近年崛起於國際市場上,尤以其快速的國際化過程特別引人注目。相較於傳統國際企業,國際新創事業資源相對稀少且匱乏,然其卻能在成立後,立即大規模進軍國際市場,箇中緣由耐人尋味。本論文即針對此一議題,透過知識能力觀點,探討國際新創事業得以加速國際化的原因。 本論文以台灣的法藍瓷公司為研究標的,採用個案研究法,以該公司的全球品牌與產品策略為主要研究脈絡。研究結果發現,雖然「原始知識」資產(如創辦人經驗)對國際新創事業的國際化相當重要,但是國際化知識的「轉換過程」,卻更能區辨國際新創事業與傳統國際企業間的國際化速度差異。透過知識取得與散佈,知識整合,和知識制度化三階段的知識轉換過程,國際新創事業得以迅速將國際知識化為具體的公司策略與行動,加速其國際化腳步。在知識轉換過程背後的二股加速推力,分別為垂直型與水平型推力。 另外,本研究發現個案公司的全球品牌定位策略為一「調和」過程。透過調和三對表面看起來似乎相對的元素,法藍瓷公司找出一跨世代與地區的獨特品牌定位,自然與人性。在調和過程中,三對相異元素為:1.東方與西方文化;2.歷史遺產與現代創新;3.手工藝法與大量生產。調和過程則分為:學習與吸收,萃取與勵行,發明,及制度化四階段。 從探索與利用能耐的理論觀點,本論文從個案公司的產品開發策略中定義出四種相對程序,依序為:1.全球資訊與散佈流程(探索能耐);2.紀律性的創意產生過程(利用能耐);3.一致性的市場導向共識(利用能耐);4.跨國界產品檢核流程(探索能耐)。 本論文貢獻在於以知識觀點解釋國際新創事業的國際化,彌補過去文獻對知識如何加速國際化過程的缺口。過去研究多著墨於國際新創事業具有那些「原始知識」,有助於其加速國際化,本研究結果的提出,則將重心移至「知識轉換過程」及其幕後推力。此項研究發現,不但延伸過去相關研究領域,也從動態角度重新詮釋了知識在企業國際化的重要性。因此,本論文研究發現,對國際新創事業與傳統國際企業,同樣具有重要的策略意涵。


The acceleration internationalization of born global firms has drawn substantial research attention for recent decades. Unlike conventional global firms, few born global firms possess abundant resources before significant international involvement, and this makes their immediate international involvement after the establishment even more salient. The purpose of the research is to explore how born global firms accelerate their internationalization from a knowledge-based capability perspective. Using an in-depth case study to examine the knowledge transformation process of a Taiwanese born global firm, FRANZ Collection Inc., in the context of global branding and product strategy development, this research found that though the “indigenous” knowledge resource, ie, founder experience, plays an important role in the internationalization process of such firms, the transformation process of international knowledge may more adequately account for the difference in internationalization at conventional global firms and born global firms. Evidence demonstrates that born global firms accelerate their internationalization process by rapidly acquiring international knowledge and transforming it into concrete company strategies and working procedures through a three-stage transformation process: knowledge acquisition and dissemination, knowledge integration, and knowledge institutionalization. In addition, two knowledge mechanisms underlying the knowledge transformation process are identified as the sources of acceleration: vertical and horizontal knowledge thrust. The center of internationalization strategy is brand positioning and product strategy. Evidence shows that generation of global brand positioning is a process of harmonization. Through the process a time enduring universal appeal, nature and humanity, for the products across generations and borders is developed. There are at least three pairs of seemingly contrasting elements need to be harmonized to generate a unique brand positioning. The three fusions are: western and eastern cultures; historical heritage and modern innovation; hand-craftsmanship and mass-production. The harmonizing process occurs through four important sequential stages: learning and absorbing, extracting and engendering, inventing, and institutionalizing. Furthermore, four capabilities are identified from the process of product development strategy. They are: a global information collecting and disseminating process (capability exploration), a disciplined creativity generation process (capability exploitation), a congruent market-oriented consensus (capability exploitation), and a cross-border product preview process (capability exploration). These four capabilities complement and interact to create a successful new global product development process. The findings of the research fill out the research gap on how internationalization knowledge facilitates the speed of internationalization in born global phenomenon. They complement the explanation of the accelerated internationalization of born global firms by shifting the focus from the “indigenous” knowledge resource to the knowledge transformation process. The identified knowledge process and mechanisms, as well as brand positioning and product strategy, have managerial implications for resource-scarce born global firms as well as resource-endowed international firms. For those global managers that are seeking control methods to influence their knowledge process and superior global marketing strategies, this study provides them with practical knowledge strategy.


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呂侑恩(2013)。企業自創品牌中核心能力與產品發展之關聯探究 ─ 路徑相依理論之觀點〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.01117
