  • 學位論文


The Development of collagen-chitosan Dermal Filler for long-term stability

指導教授 : 林峰輝


近年來由於生活品質的提高,人們逐漸開始注重自身的保養,由其是臉部皺紋。所以市面上出現了許多的除皺方法,不過最直接的治療方法莫過於皮下填充注射手術,該治療方法屬於不需要經過動刀即可達到除皺效果的微創手術,也目前普遍被選用來治療臉部上的皺紋。 填充材料常以自體移植、異體移植、合成材料、生物合成等等來當作填充物質,雖說有部分填充材料已經通過美國藥物食品檢驗局。但對於一個理想的填充材料而言,目前所使用的填充材料都有相當程度上的缺點。 本研究之目的在於研發出一個理想的針劑填充材料,在目前使用的材料之中以膠原蛋白對人體的生物相容性情況最為良好,可缺點在於使用期限過短,所以本研究以豬皮萃取的第一型膠原蛋白為基材,加入具生物可分解性的高分子幾丁聚醣來進行研究,企圖營造出一個理想的填充材料。 在本研究中,所製備的膠原蛋白幾丁聚醣膠體之特性將會透過流變儀、針筒注射、生物相容性、降解試驗等檢測後,可得知若以本材料為真皮填充材料則不會發生卡針的現象;且若施打進入病患體內,亦沒有材料位移的疑慮;至於降解試驗上,添加幾丁聚醣後的複合材料經本實驗證明確實可以延緩其降解結,因此若未來使用在真皮填充物及其應用上是相當具有潛力的。


In recent decades, facial wrinkles is becoming the embarrassed question in developed countries. These minimally invasive procedures are becoming more popular with those who want to avoid having cosmetic surgery. Dermal filler is one of minimally invasive cosmetic procedures . Dermal filler is populated to cure the fine lines、rhytids and overlying folds. Although some injectable agents was approved by the US Food and Drug Administration(FDA) but the ideal dermal filler has continued quest . In order to find the ideal dermal filler, we use the new material, which include porcine collagen and chitosan to achieve the goal which is long-lasting soft-tissue augmentation without side effects. In this study,the collagen-chitosan gel is investigated.The cross-linking agents is glutaradehyde. For the results,the gel viscosity is increased when collagen blended with chitosan and our material may be suitable for syringe injection.For in vitro,the cytotoxicity show that collagen-chitosan gel is biocompatible.In the test of degradation, results showed that collagen blended with chitosan may slow degradation when soaking in collagenase solution.The feature of collagen-chitosan gel is potential application to dermal filler.


Dermal filler Collagen Chitosan Cross-linking agent


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