  • 學位論文


The Optimization and Energy Analysis of Primary Air Handler Cooling System for High-Voltage Electrical Cables in Underground Tunnels

指導教授 : 陳希立


都市為了美化環境將電纜地下化,然而電纜地下化使得電纜散熱能力不足,急需額外的冷卻系統,預冷空調箱冷卻系統是電纜冷卻系統中冷卻能力相當好的一種冷卻方式,但也伴隨著高耗能。本論文研究地下電纜空調系統的冷卻能力,分析不同進水溫度,風速和外氣溫度下進出冷卻水管和洞道的溫度分佈比較,並探討限制條件與耗能分析,建立冰水空調冷卻系統的基準供往後設計人員參考,並分析此冷卻系統的最佳化配置,達到高效省能的目的。 本研究再透過數學分析和程式模擬來探討系統溫度分佈,根據洞道溫度模擬結果,在穩定外氣條件下,大風速以及低進水溫度整體耗能最高,隨著外氣溫度降低,洞道溫度與耗能也會降低,而在穩定外氣條件下,低風速以及高進水溫度時,整體耗能最低。低外氣溫度,小風速和高進水溫度都會使耗能降低,但小風速與高進水溫度會導致洞道溫度提高,如何在滿足洞道溫度限制下又能兼顧省能是本研究的重點,當風速1m/s,進水溫度10℃和外氣溫度36℃時系統能最省能,並且符合運轉準則。


空調箱 地下電纜 淺層溫能


This research predicts outlet pipe’s and the underground tunnel’s temperature distribution in addition to testing the water temperature, wind velocity and outside air temperature of the inlet. Furthermore, developing the constraints, energy analysis and baseline of cooling system for the designer play an important role in this study. For improving chiller’s COP or replacing chiller, proposing the innovative concepts of geothermal energy combines with cooling system and borehole heat exchanger. This study investigates the temperature distribution through mathematical analysis and program simulation. The simulation results are as follows. With high outside air temperature, high wind velocity and low water temperature, the energy consumption of is the hugest than the others. With low outside air temperature, low wind velocity and high water temperature, the energy consumption of is the lowest than the other. As the wind velocity decreased , outside temperature decreased and water temperature increased, the energy consumption are also decreased. However, the underground tunnel’s temperature is increased when increasing water temperature and decreasing wind velocity. The purpose of this research is to obtain the most effective way of saving energy under the constraints condition.


PAH Underground tunnels Geothermal energy


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