  • 學位論文


Flexible Capacitive Pressure Sensors Based on Microstructured PDMS

指導教授 : 陳永芳




In this thesis, we use the anisotropic KOH to etch on the photolithography patterned silicon wafer in order to fabricate pyramid structures. We utilize the technology of the moulding replication to create the pyramid structures on the surface of PDMS. Structured PDMS film was laminated onto the ITO-coated PET film then laminated with another ITO-coated PET film to form flexible capacitive pressure sensor. The structured PDMS was used as the dielectric layer of the capacitor. It is found that the thickness and effective permittivity of the structured PDMS dielectric layer can be changed when the pressure was loaded on the device. This behavior induced a change in capacitance of the compressible structured PDMS. We can know the pressure values of the target items by measuring the capacitance changes. The reduction of the elastic resistance and viscoelastic were attributed to the structured PDMS, thus achieving the high sensitivity. It is believed that this study will pave a new way for the development of pressure sensors.


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