  • 學位論文


Performance Assessment of the Development of Industrial Park and its Strategic Implications:Data Envelopment Analysis Approach

指導教授 : 荷世平


國家發展經濟與提升工業化的過程中,產業用地開發是不可或缺的關鍵要素,為能提升各縣市產業用地管理績效,本研究發展一套績效評估衡量模式,藉此瞭解各縣市產業用地管理之優劣,進而規劃產業用地管理與供給策略,研擬合宜產業區位策略措施,促進產業用地有效利用,藉以持續推動臺灣經濟產業發展效能。 本研究以非意欲產出資料包絡分析法(DEA)模式進行實證分析,評估民國101年至106年各年期各縣市產業用地管理績效,結果顯示新北市、桃園市、雲林縣及新竹縣市之產業用地管理績效為相對有效率,嘉義縣及嘉義市則較無效率。再透過視窗分析法,其結果顯示新北市、高雄市、基隆市及新竹縣市之產業用地管理績效為相對有效率,南投縣、臺北市、彰化縣、屏東縣及嘉義縣等則較無效率。 本研究經由非意欲產出資料包絡分析法實證分析結果,針對都會型縣市與城鄉型縣市、直轄市與非直轄市、有無設置科學園區等之各種類型縣市產業用地管理效率進行Mann-Whitney U 檢定,結果顯示僅都會型縣市產業用地管理績效顯著優於城鄉型縣市,其餘類型均無顯著差異。本研究再以北中南東等4個區域進行Mann-Whitney U 檢定,分析結果顯示僅北部區域顯著優於中部區域,其餘區域間之比較結果均無顯著差異。 透過實證分析結果,本研究歸納結論及其策略意涵包括政府應積極提升都市整體進步邁向都會型縣市,除可帶動經濟效益及產出價值,連帶可提升產業用地管理效率。此外,並非升格成為直轄市,享有更多行政資源之縣市,就表示其產業用地管理效率較優於非直轄市。另亦非爭取設置科學園區之縣市即顯示其產業用地管理效率最佳,基於區位均衡發展,適合一般製造業之產業園區,更能創造就業機會、累積更多經濟效益,進而使該縣市產業用地管理效率相對較佳。除北部區域為臺灣製造業及半導體產業之重心,確實可見其產業用地管理效率相對較佳之外,區域因素並非決定產業用地管理效率之主因。


Development of Industrial Park is the key factor during the National economic and industrialization process. The study develops a model for performance assessment in order to upgrade Industrial Park management performance and to knows efficiency in Taiwan Counties. Furthermore, to develop strategic implications for Industrial Park management, supply and location. Keep promoting effective economic development in Taiwan. The study analyzes by Undesirable Outputs Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model to evaluate Industrial Park management performance on each year during 2012 to 2017 year in Taiwan Counties. The results show relatively efficient on Industrial Park management performance are New Taipei city, Taoyuan city, Yunlin city and Hsinchu county city. Chiayi county and Chiayi city are relatively inefficient. Then the study analyzes by Window Analysis and the results show relatively efficient on Industrial Park management performance are New Taipei city, Kaohsiung city, Keelung city, and Hsinchu county city. Nantou county, Taipei city, Changhua county, Pingtung county and Chiayi county are relatively inefficient. Base on the results from Undesirable Outputs DEA, the study analyzes by Mann-Whitney U test between 4 types that are Metropolitan and Urban Rural cities, Municipality and Non-Municipality, cities with Science Park or not, different location area. The results show that Metropolitan have significant advantage than Urban Rural cities and North area in Taiwan have significant advantage than Central area in Taiwan. Then the other types are no significant difference. In conclusion and strategic implications of the study that Government should upgrade into Metropolitan city positively. It will motive in economic benefit and value of output and promote efficient on Industrial Park management performance. Municipality and cities with Science Park can’t reflect that would be efficient on Industrial Park management performance. North area in Taiwan is the main industrial clusters of manufacturing and semiconductor industries and it has relatively efficient on Industrial Park management performance. Location area is not the key factor to determinate the efficient on Industrial Park management performance.


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