  • 學位論文


Using Multilevel Linear Modeling to Explore the Moderating Effect of External Attributes on Hotel Room Rates: Empirical Evidence on Public Goods and Industry Environment

指導教授 : 許耀文


在過去的文獻中,特徵價格法被廣泛運用在旅館房價的相關研究上。在解釋變數上,除了旅館的品質指標,周遭的公共財、旅館的國際經營狀況都曾被其他文獻納入考量。即使部分文獻考慮了外部性 (external factors) 因子的影響,卻鮮少有研究探討這些變數之間的交互作用。有鑒於此,本研究企圖探討 (1) 公共財與旅館品質指標之間的交互作用,以及 (2) 旅館業競爭者密度與產業環境的交互作用兩者對於旅館房價的影響。在第一個交互作用上,我們希望探相似功能的旅館私有財/公共財之間存在何種關係(替代財、互補財、中立財)。結果顯示,交乘項為負,兩種相似功能的財貨為替代關係,符合經濟直覺。至於第二個交互作用,本研究發現競爭者密度的提升會壓抑旅館房價,環境動態性的增強可以減緩壓抑效果,而環境的複雜性與競爭者密度之間則無顯著交互作用。總結來說,本研究填補了過去文獻中忽略不同種類變數之間交互作用的研究缺口。至於研究方法,本研究採用多階層線性模型,以期可以解決縣市、旅館、時間等三個層級 (level) 所產生的內生性問題。


In past studies, hedonic models are widely used to evaluate room rates. In addition to quality signals, some researchers embed public attributes and international environmental conditions in their model. However, some have coped with external factors; few studies are concerned about the relationship among those attributes. Therefore, this study explores the moderating effect of public attributes on quality signals, identifying whether they are complements, substitutes or neutrals. Furthermore, environmental conditions may moderate the effect from local competitors, but similar studies can just be found from international business research. Thus, this study fills a vacancy of hotel room rate research related to the local industrial environment. As to methodology, multilevel linear models are used in this study, eliminating endogeneity resulting from different classes, such as destination, hotel and time. As the results showed, we found that (1) public attributes negatively moderate the effect of hedonic variables on room rates, (2) dynamism weakens the moderating effect of competition density on room rates, and (3) there is no significant effect between complexity and competition density.


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