  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 趙順文


本研究對於皆表示時間限定的接續助詞「uchini」「aidani」兩者之間實際上有著何種共通點跟差異點進行了考察,並分別從統語特徵及意義特徵之觀點來探討。 考察的結果發現,相對於「aidani」只是單純地表示某件事在某個時間範圍內發生了,「uchini」因為具有「同時進行」之意義特徵的關係,可以表示「在某段時間範圍內很自然地發生了某件事或者是很意外地發生某件事。」除此之外,「uchini」「aidani」雖然都具有表示「限定後面的句子所表示的動作要在前面的句子所表示的時間內實現」之意義特徵,但是「uchini」還具有在心中設定某種狀況,並同時意識到狀況結束以後的時間帶,以那樣的狀況作為條件,在那樣的狀況尚未結束之前,要完成後面的句子所表示的動作之意義特徵。 另外,使用「uchini」時,話者的焦點放在時間的內側,意識到的是時間的結束,而使用「aidani」時,話者的角度是從時間的外側出發,意識到的是時間的開始與結束之兩端。與「uchini」相較而言,可以說是比較客觀的表現。最後,這兩個表現都是從名詞「uchi」「aida」發展而來的文法形式,結果顯示,其原有名詞的語意特徵仍然殘存於接續助詞的用法表現上。


The purpose of this paper is to observe and describe the differences and similarities of the conjunctive expressions of “UCHINI” and “AIDANI” according to their syntactical and morphological analyses. The results show that “AIDANI” only indicates a certain event occurs within a certain period of time, and that, owing to its semantic meaning of “simultaneous occurrence,” “UCHINI” can indicate that “something happened naturally or accidentally within a certain period of time.” Although both “UCHINI” and “AIDANI” means that the post matter has to be achieved within the expected period of time, “UCHINI” also means that the post matter must be achieved in the period of time in which the situation of the former matter doesn't end. Moreover, a speaker is involved in the time when using “UCHINI,” focusing on the ending of time of a certain event. However, a speaker is outside of the scope of a certain situation and is aware of both the start and end of time of a certain even when using “AIDANI,” which in comparison with “UCHINI” is a more objective form of speech. Finally, the two forms of conjunctive expression are syntactically developed from their noun counterpart: “UCHI” and “AIDA.” This indicates that their semantic meanings in noun have bleed to their current meanings, respectively.


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