  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study of Setting Up a Non-commodity Sovereign Wealth Funds in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝德宗


近年來全球主權財富基金家數及管理資產金額急遽增加,並在全球資本市場扮演重要角色。亞洲四小龍中,新加坡、南韓與香港均已成立,而中國大陸也在2007年成立中國投資公司。這些與台灣財經環境相仿的東亞國家均陸續成立主權財富基金,創造優勢時,台灣是否應設立主權財富基金,也逐漸成為熱門的討論議題。臺灣外匯存底及社會中長期資金豐沛,如何在確保資金安全性下,透過設立主權財富基金以提升長期績效,已成為亟須深入研析的課題,此亦為本文的研究動機。 本研究運用文獻探討法、比較分析法與可行性分析,檢視主權財富基金定義、現況及興起原因等文獻內容。接著探討設立主權財富基金的背景、設立時機、管理模式與資產配置等,再比較分析與臺灣經濟環境類似的東亞國家,其設立非原物料型主權財富基金的現況。並探討外匯存底及四大基金、壽險業資金等中長期資金運用狀況,研析目前公債發行制度及其導引中長期資金運用問題,作為探討設立非原料型主權財富基金的背景。接著,對台灣設置主權財富基金資金來源、管理模式、組織架構、資金運用及配置等提出規劃芻議,並以SWOT分析法進行可行性分析,最後對台灣設立非原物料型主權財富基金可行性提出建議。 本研究認為現階段台灣設置主權財富基金具有提昇外匯存底運用效率、成為政府內部中長期資金管理者、提供民間中長期資金長期穩定投資管道、提供公共建設及策略性投資資金、健全債券市場發展等政策效益。就客觀環境分析,具有資金充沛可提供長期穩定財源、資金成本低廉、具備多重政策效益可獲得業界認同與支持等內部優勢。惟仍有外界仍有疑慮、外匯存底需求額度較高、各機關本位主義考量、專業人才不足問題等內部劣勢待克服。至外部環境則有具備國際競爭優勢、進行跨國戰略性投資、跨足新興市場國家、國際投資併購價格降低等機會可以掌握,另對於成立時間較慢、歐債危機增加投資風險、美國短期利率降低、被投資國家政府疑慮等外部環境威脅應予注意。 綜合各章分析,可本研究歸納出主權財富基金業已成為全球資本市場重要角色、國際金融危機突顯成立主權財富基金重要性、台灣設立主權財富基金具備多項政策效益、台灣設立主權財富基金具備國際競爭力、主權財富基金並不影響央行及四大基金運作等結論。最後本研究建議採取循序漸進方式,設立台灣主權財富基金。其具體的措施則包含採取以政府投資公司型態成立、採信託及多樣化發行債券方式籌措財源、進行戰略性投資並投資公共建設成立專業投資部門或子公司、宣導說明強化政策支持等。


In recent years, the rapidly growing number and size of Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) reflect the foreign exchange assets that accrue mainly via revenues from commodity markets or intervention in the foreign exchange market. Budget surplus are also important in many cases. Asian tigers, Singapore, South Korea and Hong Kong have been set up SWFs, and China also set up the China Investment Corporation in 2007. The financial environment in Taiwan is similar to East Asian countries have been set up SWFs , so whether Taiwan should set up a sovereign wealth fund become a hot discussion topic. How to enhance long-term financial performance of Taiwan's long-term social capital and foreign exchange through the establishment of SWFs has become an urgent subject of analysis. In this study use comparative analysis and feasibility analysis of Taiwan's economic environment with similar East Asian countries for the establishment of non-commodity SWFs status. Then, set up SWFs on the Taiwan sources of funding, management, organizational structure, investment strategy and SWOT analysis to conduct a feasibility analysis and recommendations. Comprehensive analysis of each chapter can be summarized in this study SWFs in global capital markets has become an important role. The financial crisis has highlighted the importance of SWFs. Setting up SWFs in Taiwan has many policy benefits and the SWFs does not affect the operation of Central Bank and public funds. Finally, this study suggests that taking a gradual approach for the establishment of Taiwan's SWFs. Setting up a government investment corporation issue diversified bonds to raise funds, to make strategic investments and investment in public construction.


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