  • 學位論文


A Study on Building Bulk Control in Urban Planning - A View from the Due Process and Substantive Requirements of Urban Renewal

指導教授 : 李建良


都市更新係基於減少或排除都市缺陷之目的,在都市計畫範圍內實施重建、整建或維護之措施,屬於都市計畫下之一種土地開發方式。嗣後隨著公私協力之引進,以及政府大力推動,都市更新之實施在都市土地上遍地開花。然而,從都市更新區域之選定、都市更新範圍之確定、容積獎勵之給予、容積移轉之核定至都市更新之實施,不僅在程序上未能符合憲法所保障之正當法律程序之要求,且於實體要件上脫離都市計畫容積管制思維,故本文從都市計畫容積管制之脈絡下,就都市更新之實施提出立法上之建議。 首先,藉由梳理都市計畫管制之目的、內容與特徵,以釐清我國都市計畫之管制對於人民財產權之影響,特別是容積管制,其涉及人民之建築自由與土地之利用,現行法除透過消極法定容積為管制外,亦採取積極、彈性之「容積獎勵」及「容積移轉」機制,惟卻造成我國都市計畫容積管制體系交錯紊亂。 都市更新係對於都市土地再利用所為之重新規劃,其實施之程序與都市計畫之擬定、變更程序有別,且有變更都市計畫規範之情,故在程序面上,應有正當法律程序之適用。透過整理相關大法官釋字意旨與行政程序法之規範,歸納出正當行政程序之內涵,作為構築都市更新程序規範之基石,並落實正當法律程序,以兼顧行政決定之正確性與人民權益之保障。在實體面上,則探討實施都市更新之目的何在,確認都市更新實施之目的,以控制都市更新之實施不至於過於浮濫,更新後之土地利用能與都市計畫法定容積與土地使用分區管制目的相符。為避免現行都市更新容積管制設計思維混亂錯置,致背離都市計畫法制之基本價值,嚴重違反都市計畫法制之體系正義,成為都市計畫容積管制之漏洞,造成都市土地總容積失控影響環境品質,應於都市計畫法內就容積管制為框架式之立法。


The objective of urban renewal is to reduce or remove urban decay in a city by rebuilding, restoring, or maintaining buildings; these are all land development measures under the scope of urban planning. With the introduction of the public–private partnership and active promotion by the government, urban renewal plans have been executed in various regions in Taiwan. However, procedures related to the selection of urban renewal sites, scope of urban renewal, issuing of floor area incentives, approval of transfer of floor area, and the execution of urban renewal measures have not adhered to the due process stipulated in the Constitution. Regarding the substantive requirements, numerous measures have been dissociated from urban planning principles related to building bulk control. Under the context of building bulk control, this study proposed legislative recommendations for the implementation of urban renewal. First, the purpose, content, and characteristics of urban planning control were compiled to clarify the effect of such control on people’s property rights. Building bulk control affects the freedom to utilize private buildings and land. The current regulations adopt a passive approach to building bulk control by designating a specific limit to the floor area ratio. However, active and flexible control methods, namely floor area incentives and transfer of floor area, are also available. Consequently, the current system for building bulk control is complicated and chaotic. The execution of urban renewal, which involves replanning land use, entails procedures differing from those of urban planning. Moreover, urban renewal might require changing the existing urban planning regulations; hence, from the procedural perspective, such changes must adhere to the due process. Compiling Judicial Yuan interpretations and related regulations in the Administrative Procedure Act can clarify the content of due administrative procedures, which can serve as the basis for developing urban renewal regulations and adherence to the due process. Accordingly, the correctness of administrative decisions and protection of people’ rights can be ensured. On the substantive aspect, the purpose of urban renewal can be discussed and confirmed to prevent excessive urban renewal operations. Therefore, the updated land utilization plan can comply with the building bulk control and zoning regulations in the Urban Planning Law. To remove the currently disorganized regulations of building bulk control that do not concur with the fundamental values of the Urban Planning Law, a legal framework should be developed regarding building bulk control. Otherwise, an urban renewal plan might breach the principles of justice in the Urban Renewal Law and create loopholes in building bulk control regulations, causing the total floor area of urban land to become out of control and negatively affecting the environment.


(一) 中文部分
