  • 學位論文


The Development of Taiwan’s Whisky Industry— The Divergent Paths of King Car Co. and TTL

指導教授 : 陳良治


台灣於 2002 年開放民間製酒後,民間興起了一股製酒產業之浪潮。使得台灣的製酒產業從原本的公賣局壟斷轉變成兩種體系,一種是以觀光為主的農村酒莊,另一種則是以大型企業為主體的酒廠。本研究係針對國內大型企業的威士忌酒廠為研究之主體,內容主要探討金車與臺酒進入威士忌產業之過程,以及背後導致產業途徑差異之原因。本文應用「產業組織理論」中 SCP 的概念去檢視現行威士忌產業環境之概況,然後再以廠商行為理論中的「資源基礎觀點」與「動態能力理論」,下去分析金車與臺酒在面對類似的產業結構障礙下,如何運用企業本身之資源與能力,進行產業技術之建立及產業之發展。 本文的研究結果發現,金車與臺酒所處的威士忌產業環境是一個高度寡佔的結構,由國際上少數的跨國之酒業集團所掌控。這些酒業集團為威士忌產業的先行者,擁有規模、技術、資本、行銷、通路、品牌等優勢,台灣廠商在投入威士忌產業不但要與這些國際先進廠商競爭外,還需要克服生產上的不利條件—高溫炎熱不利熟成、原物料仰賴進口、缺乏先進製造技術。在這樣的產業環境下,金車的產業途徑以技術建立過程來說,是以全廠輸入的方式從蘇格蘭引進技術,並 聘請英籍技術顧問來協助生產系統的快速建置,並做到生產技術的在地化適應,將高溫炎熱的不利條件,轉化成快速熟成的生產優勢。以產品發展的策略上來說,金車則是走高階的精品威士忌路線,並將銷售目標鎖定廣大的國際市場(尤其是中國與歐洲),並透過參與國際比賽得獎來建立口碑。臺酒的產業途徑以技術建立而言則是以固有的技術人才與製酒經驗為基礎,自行研發並組裝完整之威士忌生產系統,然後進口外國之威士忌原酒來加以調和,並以市場上銷售較好的蘇格蘭威士忌做為風味調整之模仿與參考之目標。以產品發展策略來說,臺酒則是鎖定國內市場的銷售,產品設定為中低價位以及大眾化的風格。


This paper focuses on the development of Taiwan’s whisky industry, and more specifically, the entry processes of King Car Co. (King Car) and Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Co. (TTL) into this industry. In order to analyze the business environment of whisky industry, and to identify the resources and capabilities of these two firms that help them to adapt industrial environment and build their competitive advantages, the structure-conduct-performance (S-C-P) concept, resource-based (RBV) theory and dynamic capabilities (DC) theory are used. For the whisky industrial environment, this study shows that King Car and TTL were within a highly oligopolistic structure dominated by a few multinational beverage giants. They are the pioneers of the world’s whisky industry, and have possessed the advantages in terms of scale, technology, capital, marketing, channel, brand, etc. In this context, King Car and TTL not only have to compete with these international advanced manufacturers, but also need to overcome local unfavorable conditions of production, such as high-temperature, heavy dependence on raw material imports, and the lack of advanced manufacturing technology. According to this study, King Car and TTL have taken divergent ways of industrial development. In the case of King Car, it built its production system through importing technologies and equipments from Scottish manufactory, and employing British technical advisor to assist production localization. It advanced the technology that transforms the disadvantage of high temperature into the advantage of “rapid maturing”. Besides, King Car takes the path of high-end boutique whiskey by establishing its reputation through participating in international competitions. In the case of TTL, it built its production system through mainly utilizing internal resources, such as self-developed technology, experienced technical personnel and existing equipments.


Amsden, A. H., & Chu, W.-W. (2003). Beyond Late Development: Taiwan's Upgrading Policies. US: MIT Press.
