  • 學位論文


Exploring the Academic Culture of the Humanities in Taiwan: Observation and Interpretation based on Academic Evaluation

指導教授 : 林珊如


本研究試圖透過人文學者的學術評鑑行動,探究臺灣人文學領域自1997年至2014年間的在地學術文化,觀察與解釋臺灣學術社會體系與學術文化體系交互建構的作用與結果。以韋伯(Max Weber)及葛慈(Clifford Geertz)等人的文化概念為基礎,以理念學派象徵意義體系的視角,視人文學領域的學術文化為此領域成員所共構與共享的意義系統。研究採取日常生活取徑,以「人文學者的學術評鑑行動」作為日常學術生活的典範性事件,探究人文學領域的學術文化。 研究立足於人文學主體性,從經驗調查著手,綜整1994至2014年的文本材料,十個場次的活動觀察,以及來自三十二位不同結構學術社會體系中受訪者的訪談紀錄,以歷時性的學術評鑑事件為脈絡,分析作用於人文學者的學術環境、情境與處境。研究發現人文學者在日常生活中主動或被動地參與學術評鑑事件,學術環境上,當全球化、知識經濟、自由市場成為發展的趨勢,國際性的學術競爭與國家政經情勢的影響無可避免,整體呈現劇烈的動盪,學術場域轉變為一般的勞動市場,學者淪為工具人,形成競爭與支配的情境結構,導致臺灣學術趨向異化發展,以致人文學者走向主體性的遺忘。綜整來說,學術邊界模糊化、學術定位邊陲化,學術地位的式微、學術傳統的崩壞,人文學領域正處在一個劇烈變動、根基不穩,因挫折創傷、反思批判而內部矛盾,且思想在壓抑中努力尋求破口的態勢之中,人文學者就在這樣的學術態勢下建構著他們的學術文化。 本研究以「學術文化的研究框架」為互動性詮釋的結構,紮根於文本、觀察及訪談材料上,整理人文學者對學術環境、情境及處境的主觀回應,視為其表達;對表達進行後設分析,找出人文學者行動的符碼規則,為思維之描述;再行意義推論,發掘人文學者行動的內在意義,為心靈的描繪,以理想型來勾勒人文學領域在地學術文化的象徵圖像。 本研究發現人文學領域的在地學術文化有下列的特徵:人文學者在為人上重視情感,強調尊重,審慎自律,堅持信念,嚮往自由與自主,反思為其慣習,批判非為本身而是為了公眾利益。在作學問上,人文學者最大的需求在於節奏自由的時間,透過充份的時間,與思想的對話及學術生命歷練的催化,厚實底蘊,深信學術的公評來自學術積累之後的被認同,而非主動與刻意地爭取。人文學者投身學術事業,是出於對學問的熱愛,以及對教育與傳承的使命,秉持尊嚴,是一群感性多於理性,理性融於感性的學術人。 本研究也透過研究調查的材料,嘗試分析分析人文學領域學術文化的建構,發現建構元素有以下四類:一為外部元素,包括國際與國內學術環境、教育部、科技部、高等教育評鑑中心等,主要行支配作用;二為主體元素,為學術社會體系中人文學主體,含院、系等群體性及學者個人的個體性主體,主要行自主作用;三為中介元素,有大學院校,主要在傳導支配作用,以及由學者主動凝聚而成的反思性組織或主動展現的反思性行動,以自主作用在抗衡支配;四為獨立於此三類元素之外,以資訊滲透強化或弱化三類元素建構作用的媒體元素。 在建構關係上也發現愈能直接與學術文化建構主體的「人」產生連結的元素,愈能發揮較大的建構作用,因此,在建構元素中,除主體元素外,具最強建構作用的就是中介元素中的大學院校,不僅對學者有直接作用,還傳導外部元素的作用。而所有建構元素發揮的建構作用有三:包括建基於政治管理合理性的支配作用,與建立在自由意志合理性上的自主作用,以及交互於二者之間的人性作用。在人文學領域學術文化的建構中,支配與自主作用間的互動是朝向共構的連續面發展,而人性作用則是在二者的調節中創造各種變化的契機。 本研究動機來自學術評鑑的爭議現象,爭議起於學術評鑑體制與人文學者之間的斷裂,研究發現這樣的斷裂不僅是表達法上的斷裂,更是一種思維性,甚至是內在心靈的斷裂。人文學者在其學術文化的本質上,期許學術作為一份志業,但是學術評鑑體制是國家行使政治管理的一種建制,將學術以職業性質來評斷,這二種面對學術的前提差異,實際的斷裂在於文化。針對這樣的斷裂,本研究建議,國家政府的學術政治管理者與人文學者皆應思考如何在「職業」與「志業」的前提上達成協調,強化人性中的反思性,政治管理的學術評鑑體制應尊重專業理性,學者在自由意志上應積極參與公共事務,如此,學術評鑑體制的價值妥當性方為可能。


This study mainly explores the academic culture of the humanities in Taiwan from 1997 to 2014 and to examine the interaction between the social system and the cultural system of academia in Taiwan. Drawing on the ideas developed by critics such as Max Weber and Clifford Geertz, this study regards the academic culture of the humanities as a constructive system shared by all the members in the humanities. This study considers the “academic evaluation of humanities scholars” as the paradigmatic event in academic daily life; grounded on the subjectivity of the humanities, this study diachronically analyses relevant texts and interviews in relation to research environments. This study has discovered that humanities scholars either actively or passively take part in academic evaluation in such a way as to endanger their own identity and the nature of humanities research. The academic field has been reduced to a labor market. Academia in Taiwan has turned into a labor market in which humanities scholars lose their dignity and become tools. Simply put, the environment is hostile to humanities research. Due to this depressing situation, this study seeks to explore the academic culture of the humanities in Taiwan by adopting an interactive approach to investigate the ways in which humanities scholars took part in the academic evaluation in universities between 1997 and 2014. In so doing, the study aims to present the big picture of academic culture of the humanities in Taiwan in terms of academic daily life, ideal-type, subtype, and changes in academic culture. Humanities scholars fight again the hostile environment with their perseverance, cross the boundaries between disciplines with self-reflexivity to create something new, and stick to the values of the humanities with their thirst for autonomy. In addition, this study aims to anatomize the construction of the academic culture of the humanities in Taiwan in terms of external, internal, and interfacial factors. That is, academic evaluation is the external factor that exercises its dominion over the free will of humanities scholars through universities. Universities, I suggest, are most influential in the construction of academic culture because they have the most direct and intimate relationship with academics on a daily basis. Finally, the study concludes that in the academic culture in Taiwan exists a rupture between academic evaluation and humanities scholars: whilst humanities scholars regard their research as a vocation, academic evaluation, as a practice of administrative management, turns research into a profession. To suture such a rupture, this study suggests that the balance be reached between “a vocation” and “a profession”: on the one hand, academic evaluation should respect the values of the humanities; on the other hand, humanities scholars should actively engage themselves in public affairs. Healthy academic administration will be therefore possible.


