  • 學位論文


Effect of ethylene and ethylene inhibitors on the vase life of Eustoma grandiflorum cv. 'Rosa Green' cut flowers

指導教授 : 王自存


本試驗以羅莎品系洋桔梗切花 (Eustoma grandiflorum cv. ‘Rosa Green’) 為試驗材料,研究乙烯及乙烯抑制劑處理對洋桔梗切花品質之影響。 以含有0.1-1 ppm乙烯之氣體流通處理洋桔梗切花,其中0.1 ppm乙烯處理對切花影響不明顯;乙烯濃度大於0.5 ppm時,會明顯加速切花的老化。隨處理濃度增加,瓶插壽命亦隨之下降,花苞開放率亦越低。半開及全開之花朵對乙烯則很敏感,0.1 ppm即會促進老化。切離的緊蕾花苞及初開之花苞則對外加乙烯不敏感,外加乙烯甚至有促進開張之效果。 以含有0.5 ppm乙烯之氣體流通處理洋桔梗切花12小時,就會縮短切花之瓶插壽命,隨處理時間增加,切花瓶插壽命越短。相同的乙烯濃度至少需要處理24小時以上,才會造成花苞開張率降低,處理48小時抑制效果更強。處理48小時亦會明顯的降低切花瓶插品質。花朵之發育成熟度越高,乙烯之處理時間越長,對花朵老化的影響亦越明顯。 0.1 ppm 1-MCP處理,可明顯延長經0.5 ppm乙烯處理48小時之洋桔梗切花之瓶插壽命及增進瓶插品質,1-MCP能明顯延遲半開期以上之小花老化,但對花苞之開張方面影響不大。對於未經乙烯處理之洋桔梗切花,1-MCP對延長瓶插壽命的效果不明顯。 乙烯抑制劑中能增進洋桔梗切花瓶插品質效果較佳者,分別為2 mM之AIB及0.1 mM 之STS,而AOA之效果不明顯。在未經0.5 ppm乙烯處理48小時之洋桔梗切花,施用乙烯抑制劑對洋桔梗切花延長瓶插壽命和增進觀賞品質之影響並不大。 以乙烯流通處理,乙烯濃度越高,越能促進花朵之乙烯生成率及呼吸率。以0.5 ppm乙烯處理24小時以上也有相同的影響。對於經0.5 ppm乙烯處理之洋桔梗花朵,1-MCP處理可降低花朵之乙烯生成及呼吸高峰。對於未經0.5 ppm乙烯處理48小時之洋桔梗切花,STS及1-MCP處理之乙烯生成反較其他處理高。洋桔梗切花之呼吸高峰通常在乙烯高峰出現前1-2天產生,且乙烯生成率及呼吸率越高者,花朵老化的速度亦越快。


瓶插 乙烯 洋桔梗 乙烯抑制劑


This research studied the effects of ethylene and ethylene inhibitors on the vase life of cut flowers of ‘Rosa Green’ Eustoma [Eustoma grandiflorum (Raf.) Shinn.]. Eustoma cut flowers were treated with ethylene containing air continuously. While 0.1 ppm ethylene had very little effect on the opening of cut flower, ethylene concentration higher than 0.5 ppm accelerated the senescence of the cut flower. The vase life of the cut flower was reduced in parallel with the increase in ethylene concentration. Ethylene also lowered the opening ratio of the flower buds on the cut flower. Excised half-opened and full-opened florets were very sensitive to ethylene. Senescence of the florets was promoted by 0.1 ppm ethylene. On the other hand, excised tight buds and about-to-open buds showed little sensitivity toward ethylene. Exogenous ethylene seemed to promote the opening of flower buds. Treating cut flowers with 0.5 ppm ethylene for 12 hours reduced vase life, and this effect increased with further increase in the duration of treatment up to 48 hours. It took at least 24 hours of the same ethylene treatment to result in the reduction of flower bud opening ratio, and further inhibition was observed for the 48 hours treatment. Ethylene effect was more pronounced in florets with more advanced maturity as well as in florets with longer exposure to ethylene. Treating cut flowers with 0.1 ppm 1-methylcyclopropene(1-MCP), an ethylene action inhibitor, before exposing them to 0.5 ppm ethylene for 48 hours, effectively extended the vase life and improved flower quality. 1-MCP significantly delayed the senescence of excised half-open and full-open florets, but had little effect on the opening of excised buds. For cut flowers held under ethylene-free air, 1-MCP had little effect on vase life extension. Among the ethylene inhibitors used, 2 mM α-aminoisobutyric acid(AIB) and 0.1 mM silver thiosulfate(STS) had better effect in extending the vase life of cut flower, while aminooxyacetic acid(AOA) showed no effect. Ethylene inhibitors were ineffective in extending vase life and in improving flower quality for flowers that had not been treated with 0.5 ppm ethylene for 48 hours. When the cut flowers were held under ethylene containing air continuously, their ethylene production rate and respiration rate were enhanced. The higher the ethylene concentration, the greater the ethylene production and respiration rate. Treating cut flowers with 0.5 ppm ethylene for more than 24 hours also enhanced the ethylene production and respiration rate. This effect was blocked by pre-treating the cut flower with 1-MCP. For those flowers that were not exposed to 0.5ppm ethylene, STS and 1-MCP treatment enhanced their ethylene production rate. The respiration of the cut flower reached its peak 1-2 days ahead its ethylene production peak. Cut flowers that had higher ethylene production rate and respiration rate had faster rate of flower senescence.


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