  • 學位論文

教養教育平台經營策略之研究 —以P教養教育平台為實例

The Study of Business Strategies for Upbringing and Education Platform—via Platform P

指導教授 : 翁崇雄


隨著科技的日新月異,傳統的幼兒教養教育產業出現了重大的變化,因為科技的改變、環境的轉變,孩子的學習工具也必需與時俱進,互聯網+教養教育是運用新的平台、新的方法和新的媒介來培養、教導孩子。 現今的教育隨著科技數位化革命與各式行動載具的普及,雲端科技與教育結合的趨勢,看到了無疆界的教育,造福無數的莘莘學子;而對於學齡前0-6歲的教養教育也可依循這個模式,讓父母親利用互聯網學會如何用快樂、創意、好玩、目標、輕鬆,發掘孩子的無限可能,並藉由平台讓全世界父母可以快速的交流與學習,充分瞭解懷孕時的胎教、0-6歲的教養教育,快樂的做父母並玩出快樂的小天才。 本研究以個案方式對P教養教育平台進行研究,首先利用波特五力分析及PEST分析檢視外部的環境與威脅,再運用價值鏈分析、SWOT分析、價值主張、商業模式來驗證並整理出個案公司的市場競爭力,進而找出服務創新、體驗經濟、共享經濟、量身訂製、利他共好等等之關鍵策略方向。根據以上的分析結果,提出具有高度市場競爭力的全新幼兒教養教育經營策略。


教養教育 經營策略 波特五力 PEST 價值鏈 SWOT


As technology advances rapidly, it shapes gradually the traditional industry of early childhood upbringing and education. The development of technology and the diversity of environment around us resulted in the innovation of child’s educational learning tools. Therefore, an early childhood education platform that integrates the Internet and childhood upbringing and education will lead to new learning methods and channels to educate our children. The combination of digital revolution, cloud system, the widespread use of mobile devices and educational development has benefited numerous children as well as educated them without borders. As the early childhood upbringing and education for all children from birth to six years old, the combination mentioned above also enables parents to learn how to discover their child’s potential in a fun, happy, creative, targeted and stressless way. Parents around the world could use this platform to communicate and learn quickly as well as fully understand prenatal and early childhood education. As we would say, happy parents make a happy genius. This essay will demonstrate the research of cases studies in this early childhood upbringing and education platform ‘P’. First, it will indicate the external environment and threats by using “The Five Competitive Forces” analysis and “PEST” analysis. Second, evaluate the market competitiveness of this company through “Value Chain” analysis, “SWOT” analysis, and value proposition development and create a successful business model. Finally, identifying company’s strategies and core values of innovated service, the experience economy, sharing economy, tailored our products for customers, altruism and so on. Based on the analysis results, this essay will illustrate a highly competitive and innovated business model of early childhood upbringing and education.


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