  • 學位論文


A study of betel nut chewing intention of the Rukai adults in Taitung County

指導教授 : 張媚


本研究之主要目的在於運用Ajzen所提出的計劃行為理論(Theory of Planned Behavior)來探討、預測魯凱族成人在未來的一個月內嚼食檳榔之行為意圖。研究對象為台東縣達魯瑪克部落十八歲以上之魯凱族成年人,共計228人。研究者依受訪者在開放式問卷的填答結果篩選出顯著信念,再編製成結構式問卷,以受訪者填寫的方式蒐集資料,並採用描述性統計、複迴歸、皮爾森積差相關、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、卡方檢定、賀德臨T平方等統計方法進行資料分析。 主要研究結果如下: 一、研究對象在未來一個月內從事嚼食檳榔行為之意圖,以正向意 圖者占大多數(48.3%),其次為負向意圖者占(30.2%),最 少為中立意圖者(21.5%)。 二、研究對象嚼食檳榔的態度、主觀規範和自覺行為控制可以有效 的解釋未來一個月內嚼食檳榔意圖,三變項的解釋量達66.3%; 其中以自覺行為控制的預測力最強。 三、外在變項中僅嚼食檳榔習慣,可在模式內變項-態度、主觀規 範、自覺行為控制之外,對嚼食檳榔行為意圖具有顯著的解釋 力,大致符合計劃行為理論。 四、研究對象嚼食檳榔的態度、主觀規範和自覺行為控制,與其各 相關信念的交乘積和呈顯著正相關,與計劃行為理論之推論一 致。 五、高/低嚼食檳榔意圖組在嚼食檳榔之行為信念、結果評價有顯著 差異:如高嚼食意圖組認為嚼食檳榔會使精神很好、感覺很舒 服、身體變熱不怕冷的可能性程度要高於低嚼食意圖組。 六、高/低嚼食檳榔意圖組在嚼食檳榔之規範信念、依從動機有顯著 差異:如高嚼食意圖組對於爸媽、其他家人、醫師不贊同嚼食 檳榔的依從度較低。 七、高/低嚼食檳榔意圖組在嚼食檳榔之控制信念、自覺強度有顯著 差異:如高嚼食意圖組在和朋友聚會聊天時、無聊沒事時、被 別人請吃檳榔時發生嚼食檳榔的頻率比低嚼食意圖組要來的 高。 本研究最後根據結果,探討魯凱族成人嚼食檳榔之顯著信念並給予相關之衛生教育衛策略及未來研究的建議。


The purpose of this study was to discuss and predict the betel nut chewing intention of the Rukai adults in the upcoming month by using the Ajzen’s theory of planned behavior. The sample population was selected from the Rukai adults ( above 18 years old) living in the Taromake tribe in Taitung County . The total sample number is 228. The method of this research was to collect the results of an open questionnaire from the tested adults to find out the obvious conviction and then to edit a stuctured questionnaire for respondents to fill out. The collected data was then analyzed by descriptive statistics, multiple regression, pearson correlation, t-test, one way ANOVA, Chi-square analysis and Hotelling T square. The following were the main findings of the study : 1. Around 48.3% of respondents showed the positive chewing intention in the following month, 30.2% showed negative intention and 21.5% showed neutral intention. 2. The betel nut chewing intention in the following month could be predicted by attitude, subjective norm and perceived behavioral control. The explained variance was 66.3%. Besides, the perceived behavioral control was the main effective variable in betel nut chewing intention. 3. The external variables of chewing habit could significantly increase the power to explain the variation of the betel nut chewing intention which was consistent with the theory of planned behavior. 4. The attitude of respondents toward betel nut chewing intention was positively related to the sum of the product of behavioral beliefs multiplied by evaluations of outcomes (Σbi*ei). The subjective norm of respondents toward betel nut chewing intention was positively related to the sum of the product of normative beliefs multiplied by motivations to comply(Σnb*mc). The perceived behavioral control of respondents toward betel nut chewing intention was also positively related to the sum of the product of control beliefs multiplied by perceived power(Σcb*pp).These results were also consistent with the theory of planned behavior. 5. There were significant differences in behavior beliefs and evaluation of outcomes between respondents with high chewing intention and those with low chewing intention. For instance, the respondents with high chewing intention were more likely to believe that they will have good spirit, well-being feeling and tolerating for cold environment through chewing betel nuts. 6. There were significant differences in normative beliefs and motivations to comply between these two groups. For instance, the respondents with high chewing intention had lower compliance with parents, family and doctors, in terms of against betel nut chewing. 7. There were significant differences in control beliefs and perceived powers between these two groups. For instance, the respondents with high chewing intention would have high frequency of chewing behavior when chatting with friends, feeling bored or being invited to chew betel nuts. Based on the results of the study, we discuss the obvious conviction and give recommendations for designing education strategies and further research.


郭彥彬(2001)。嚼食檳榔引發之口腔黏膜下纖維化症 : 流行病學與致病機轉。


