  • 學位論文

廣告代言人類型與合作模式之廣告效果 –以彩妝品為例

Advertisement Effectiveness of Endorser type and Endorsement Mode–A Case of Cosmetics

指導教授 : 練乃華


商業市場競爭日趨激烈,各家品牌無不各出奇招銷售自家產品,其中有品牌聯盟概念的「跨界行銷」又是近年來常見的手法,其試圖將兩個或以上的概念結合,創造出1+1>2的綜效。代言人在此合作形式下往往不只是單純代言,甚至合作參與外包裝的設計,故本研究旨在探討當代言人合作模式不同時,消費者對該廣告的評價有何差異。另外,由於各大廠牌也時常找藝術家或設計師合作設計外包裝,藉由不同領域的合作增加消費者新鮮感,進而刺激買氣,故本研究亦納入不同類型代言人(名人、專家)為變數,探討不同類型代言人以不同模式的合作對廣告評價的差異。 本研究採用組間受測者實驗設計,分為「設計並代言/純粹代言/純粹設計」、「名人 Katy Perry/ 專家 Sanna Annukka」兩因子,形成六個實驗組,並加入一組無代言人、只有產品資訊的對照組別,共七組,進行統計分析,有效樣本數269,結果部分符合預期: 一、 有使用代言人的廣告會在廣告態度、品牌態度及產品態度評價上獲得顯著高於沒有使用代言人的廣告分數。 二、 名人在「設計兼代言」及「純粹代言」時,在各項態度分數上皆獲得比專家更高的分數,不過在「純粹設計」時,則是由專家獲得較高的態度分數。 三、 不同的合作模式,除了在廣告態度分數顯著由純粹代言顯著最高、設計兼代言次高而純粹設計最低外,其他態度分數對消費者而言皆無顯著差異。 另外,考量純粹設計組別無放置代言人肖像,故補發67份問卷,比較純粹設計組別之差異,發現:沒有代言人照片於廣告中時,消費者認為專家的確有設計專業,但是一放上代言人照片時,消費者卻認為名人才有設計專業;在沒有代言人照片時,名人的喜愛度明顯低於有照片時,但專家則相距不遠。可能是因為月暈效果造成消費者認為名人亦有設計專業的正面說服。


Competition is increasing in the commercial market. Every companys are using all kinds of methods to sell their own products, including "crossover", which has the concept of brand alliance. It attempt to combine two or more than two concepts, creating synergy. In many situations, endorsers are not simply endorsement, but participating in the packageing design. So the purpose of this study is discussing the difference bwtween endorsers' cooperation forms in the ad evaluation of consumers. This study adopts between subjest design, included two variables: two types of endorsers(celebrities/experts) and three kinds of coorperation ways(design and endorsement/pure endorsement/pure design). Added a group with no endorser, becoming 7 groups totally. There are 269 effective samples, and using SPSS to do statistics analysis. Results are partly in line with expectation: 1. ADs with endorsers will have higher scores in advertsing attitude, brand attitude and product attitude than ADs with no endoresers. 2. In "design and endorsement" and "pure endorsement" condition, the scores of celebrities in attitudes are higher than experts. But in "pure design" condition, experts obtain a higher attitude scores. 3. Comparing different types of cooperation, "pure endoresement" obtains the significantly highest score, and "pure design" obtains the lowest. Other attitude scores have no significantly difference to consumers. Considering there are no pictures of endorsers in ads of pure design condition, reissue 67 questionnaire and discover that: When there are no endorsers' photos in ads, consumers thought that experts do have specialty in design. Condumers have more favor toward celebrities, but experts are the same. Halo effect may be the reason why celebrities caused a positive persuasion.


crossover alliance endorsers type cooperation manners design


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