  • 學位論文


A Study on Implementation of United Nations Convention against Corruption in Taiwan : Focusing on Public Sector Preventive Measures

指導教授 : 陳顯武


西元2003年10月31日聯合國大會通過《聯合國反貪腐公約》(United Nations Convention against Corruption, UNCAC),並於西元2005年12月14日生效,其目的在指導並提供各國政府反貪腐之法制和政策,內容涵括貪腐行為之預防措施、定罪和執法、國際合作、不法資產之追回,及落實公約之執行機制等,促使世界各國共同致力於反貪腐議題。我國於104年5月20日制定公布「聯合國反貪腐公約施行法」,行政院定自104年12月9日施行,其中第2條明定,《聯合國反貪腐公約》之規定具有國內法律之效力。 為依循《聯合國反貪腐公約》所建立之預防貪腐架構,綜觀我國預防貪腐制度、措施,本研究聚焦《聯合國反貪腐公約》第二章預防措施(Preventive measures)有關公部門貪腐部分之規定,首先探討《聯合國反貪腐公約》揭示之公部門反貪腐預防措施政策及法制架構、建議之落實作法、是否遵循公約之檢視標準等內容,再全面盤點我國公部門反貪腐預防措施之制度及運作情形,逐一檢視及比較我國落實情況,提出我國尚未完全落實之部分,以瞭解我國預防貪腐工作不足之處。經過整理歸納,本研究亦針對「以數據資料為基礎擬定廉政政策」、「開放政府及公眾參與」、「反貪腐機構獨立性」等三大方向,探討其他國家作法,作為借鏡。 針對我國預防貪腐工作不足之處,本研究提出之研究建議分為「建立反貪腐相關數據資料的系統性資料庫」、「確實掌握貪腐風險」、「強化外部參與」、「更加確保廉政署及政風機構的獨立性」、「持續強化政府採購制度」、「推動揭弊者保護法立法」等6項,其中包含「積極評估防貪措施的有效性」、「推動政府機關廉潔評估」、「分析貪腐風險資料並定期公布報告」、「為容易發生貪腐之政府職位人員訂定特別程序」、「確定推動政府資訊公開法制的專責機關」、「帶動民間自主運作推動反貪腐」、「落實執行《國家廉政建設行動方案》納入外部參與」、「持續發展公共政策網路參與平臺功能」、「重新思考肅貪組織設計」、「編列更多預算經費」等建議,促使我國與現行全球反貪腐趨勢及國際法制接軌,更加有效預防和根除貪腐。


The United Nations Assembly adopted the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC) on October 31, 2003, which came into force on December 14, 2005. The goal of which is to instruct and provide anti-corruption laws and policies to governments with its content covering the preventive measures, conviction, law enforcement, and international cooperation against corruption, recovery of illegal assets, and implementation mechanism of the Convention to facilitate all countries devotion to the anti-corruption issues. Taiwan’s government stipulated and promulgated the Act to Implement United Nations Convention against Corruption on May 20, 2015, and the Executive Yuan stipulated the enforcement date as December 9, 2015. In the Act, Article 2 expressly provides that the provisions contained in the United Nations Convention against Corruption have domestic legal status. To have a general observation on Taiwan’s anti-corruption system and measure in accordance with the corruption prevention framework established by the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the research focuses on the provisions concerning public sector corruptions in the second chapter of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, “Preventive Measures.” It first explores the content of public sector corruption prevention measures, policies and legal framework, advised implementation, and the compliance of the review standard of the Convention as stipulated in the United Nations Convention against Corruption. Then, the research conducts an overall review of Taiwan’s system of anti-corruption preventive measures and its operation and examine and compares the implementation thereof and flags the part where the implementation is incomplete, to understand the shortfalls of Taiwan’s implementation thereof. Through such inductions, the research also reviews the implementation in “stipulating anti-corruption policy based on data”, “open government and public participation,” and “independency of the anti-corruption agency” of other countries as leverage. For the shortfalls of Taiwan’s anti-corruption work, the research proposes suggestions that are categorized as “establishing a systematic database of anti-corruption related data”, “firm control on corruption risks”, “strengthening external participation”, “re-ensuring the independency of Agency Against Corruption and integrity policy units”, “continuous reinforcement of government procurement system”, “promotion of the enactment of whistleblower protection act”, which include, “proactive evaluation on the effectiveness of anti-corruption measures”, “promoting government agency ethics evaluation”, “analyzing corruption risks information and publishing the reports regularly”, “stipulating special procedures for high risk government positions”, “specifying a dedicated agency for promoting the freedom of government information laws”, “engaging civil society in the autonomous operation of promoting anti-corruption”, “including external participation in the implementation of ‘National Integrity Building Action Plan’”, “continuously developing the function of public policy participation through the Internet platform”, “rethinking the design of corruption investigation organizations”, “increase the budget.” These are to urge our government to connect with the current global trend of anti-corruption and the international legal system in order to more effectively prevent and remove corruption.


丘宏達(1995),《現代國際法》,台北:三民書局股份有限公司,1995 年。
