  • 學位論文


An Exploratory Study on Online Merge Offline Strategy of Retail Enterprises

指導教授 : 吳政鴻


隨嶄新數位科技的推波助瀾,社群媒體及個人行動裝置普及,人和資訊互動方式的改變,讓消費者生活型態也隨之劇變,許多新型態的商業模式孕育而生,同時也挑戰傳統的行銷與服務方式。面對數位科技及新生活型態,許多零售企業除了提煉優勢再創新價值(value innovation),更透過增加消費者接觸(touch point),直接貼近消費者(D2C,direct to consumer)以獲取更具價值的資訊,讓雙方同時享有資訊力所帶來的好處。當整體零售環境變化加劇,通路間的分野模糊,營運廣告成本日增,即便零售產業內涵不盡相同,零售企業轉往探索虛實融合之新零售模式已漸為風潮。 針對投入虛實融合(Online Merge Offline)或全通路零售(Omni-Channel)的發展研究,近年皆以數位科技掌握與應用為多的線上零售企業居多,然在以實體零售為主的台灣,卻鮮少以實體通路見長的零售企業進行虛實融合(Online Merge Offline)或全通路零售(Omni-Channel)的探討,本研究藉研讀相關文獻、數位零售調研與趨勢報告,同時彙集個案公司施行虛實融合的變革歷程及其成果,藉以探索零售企業透過線上線下虛實融合的商業價值,為台灣零售產業再創商業新局做出貢獻。


全通路 虛實融合 Omni-Channel OMO D2C


Due to the rapid development of digital technology as well as the ubiquitous usage of social media and mobile devices, the transformation of information flow had greatly impacted people’s daily life. New business model had been created to reflect such phenomena which inevitably will affect the traditional service and sales method of retailing. While facing new digital technology and life style, many enterprise retailers not only started to compile its core advantage to promote value innovation but also utilizing touch point, generated by customer interaction, to provide service or merchant directly to consumer (D2C) while obtaining valuable feedbacks simultaneously. However, because of the fast paced transformation of the retail environment, indistinct tunnels between distributors and the increasing cost of commercial operation, enterprise retailers regardless of business field seem to be moving toward the integration of Online Merge Offline development as its new retailing strategy. Previous literature regarding Online Merge Offline or Omni Channel were primary focusing on online enterprise retailer with digital technology application and implication at most. However, Taiwan as a county which retailing mainly rely on physical tunnel, it is rare to find studies about enterprise retailer with strong physical retailing tunnel but actively focusing on Online Merge Offline or Omni Channel. Therefore, this research will review and merge empirical data from relevant research, digital technology studies and trends report as well as compiling multiple case studies with history and achievement of developing Online Merge Offline to further analyze whether the commercial value for enterprise retailer should work toward such strategy.


Omni-Channel OMO D2C


