  • 學位論文


The Effect of Certification Label on Consumer Attitude、Benefit Perception、Risk Perception、Product Trust and Purchase Intention-In the Case of Genetically Modified Rice

指導教授 : 黃麗君


隨著科技持續發展,基改食品的生產,一直存在許多爭議。雖然有實際的數據顯示,基改作物有助於人類糧食發展以及環境保護,但在面對基改科技的發展可能潛藏全球性的風險下,消費者在缺乏對於基改科技之風險控制以及對基改科技的信任下,多數會因無法確定其風險是否為可承擔的,而選擇避免購買。 然而消費者對於基改作物或其相關產品的接受度,將會影響基改科技於未來的發展趨勢。如何降低消費者對基改食品之食用安全疑慮,為影響消費者接受基改食品之主要關鍵。本研究以實驗法採取組間抽樣的方式(between-subject),以食用基改稻米為研究標的,選擇家中食用稻米購買者為抽樣對象,藉由模擬市售稻米包裝提供消費者不同的基改食品認證標示訊息(衛生署認證標示、產品責任險訊息、產銷履歷標示),探討是否有助於加強消費者對於基改食品之利益知覺、產品信任、態度與購買意願,以及降低消費者對基改食品的風險知覺。 研究結果顯示基改食品包裝所提供之相關認證訊息,對於消費者對基改食品之態度與購買意願會造成顯著影響,但是對於消費者在產品認知方面則無差異。其中衛生署提供之認證訊息,有助於提升消費者對於基改食品的態度與購買意願,而產品責任險訊息以及產銷履歷標示訊息對於消費者則無正向影響性。可見對於我國消費者而言,雖然對於基改產品有相當程度的風險意識,但衛生署所提供的認證資訊,對於消費者在進行基改食品購買決策時是具有影響性的。同時研究顯示認證標示訊息,對消費者產品認知影響力低的部分,原因可能為管理機構與科學界,在缺乏對於消費者需求之了解下,多為向消費者單向的進行風險溝通與宣傳,導致社會大眾對於相關管理機構,在基改產品方面管理能力的不信任以及相關法規的不了解,造成消費者對於基改科技的保守態度。


Genetically modified (GM) technology in food production continued to generate controversies. Consumers were concerned with the GM foods about the healthy and environmental risks. While consumers’ acceptance was a critical factor affecting how widely this technology be used. According to the research review, consumers feel lack of trust and risk control toward GM foods was the reasons to explain consumers’ low acceptance toward GM foods. The objective for this study wanted to find out if certification label ( from the Department of Health、food traceability、product liability insurance) on product package effect consumer cognition and behavior toward GM foods. An experiment was designed to investigate the effect of product certification label on consumer attitude、benefit perception、risk perception、trust and purchase intention. In this study, a between-subjects design was employed and GM rice was chosen to test the effect of certification label on consumer behavior. The reason why we choose GM rice was that the rice was the staple food for over 1/2 people in the world. The results indicated that the certification label influenced consumer attitude and purchase intention toward GM foods. The certification label from the Department of Health could increase consumer attitude and purchase toward GM foods. However, the results also indicated that no positive effect of the certification labels on consumer benefit perception、risk perception and product trust toward GM foods. This result meant certification labels could not change consumer cognition toward GM foods. Therefore, our government and GM product manufacturers should do more risk communication of two-way social learning.


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