  • 學位論文


A Preliminary Textual and Temporal Analysis of the Veritable Records of the Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 項潔


清實錄是一部編年體的歷史典籍,其按年月日逐序詳實紀錄清朝近三百年皇帝的活動和事蹟,不只紀錄皇帝的活動情形,更同時記載某些大臣的政績、法制政令、吏制科舉、人丁戶口、藩邦外交、文化經藉、兵役征戰等方面的歷史資料,因此成為重要清代歷史研究的珍貴文字資料。由於清實錄本身是一部完整的紀錄,數量龐大,且是官方紀錄,紀錄方式非常嚴謹,具有嚴格的規則,是一部適合數位人文研究的歷史典籍。 本次研究主要分兩個部份,第一部分主要說明資料處理。將數位化清實錄,依照清實錄的斷句結構,將清實錄依照條目切開。除此之外,針對每則條目以資訊技術採掘時間資訊,將其校正,並將日期轉換西元年月日,以方便時間統計等相關數據統計。本次研究共將清實錄切成317630件條目,切出89372不同的日期,並找到十二筆清實錄紙本錯誤。 第二部份則主要說明將處理完成的清實錄,匯入以臺灣歷史數位圖書館(THDL)模型,建置新的資料庫系統QSDL(QingShilu Digital Library,QSDL )。THDL本身是以人文研究者為導向的資料庫系統,於本章節中會介紹THDL原有的功能,並額外介紹調整的新功能。並於第五章,介紹利用QSDL可以觀察到的現象,以年代和出現頻率的折線圖統計資料呈現。 於第五章中,更說明如何從QSDL中撈取百里文書的資料。清朝雍正皇帝以後,上諭和奏摺以日行幾百里的速度的傳遞,類似今日的郵票限時系統,本研究將這類文件稱為「百里文書」。換句話說,較緊急的事情才會以限時傳送,而越緊急的文書所要求日行百里的速度也越快。於清實錄中,共找出15520篇條目為百里上諭文書,而於整部清實錄中,共有三篇以八百里上諭。


QingShiLu, the Veritable Records of the Qing Dynasty, chronologically documents daily activities and significant events during the reign of each of the emperors of Qing dynasty. Because of its richness and comprehensiveness, QingShiLu is an indispensible source of material for research on the Qing dynasty. There are two parts in this thesis. First we introduce a process for re-organizing the digital text of Qingshilu into a format that is more suitable for research use. This include itemize the events to make them more readable in chronological order, and to introduce the precise date of each event. During this process, we also discovered 12 errors in the original date (ganzhi -- 干支) records of Qingshilu. In the second part, we incorporated the re-engineered texts into the THDL (Taiwan History Digital Library) shell and built QSDL, the QingShilu Digital Library. To illustrate the efficacy of QSDL, in Chapter 5 we presented some observations about Qingshilu using frequency chart. As an example, we analyzed all entries about Baili dispatches (百里文書). Baili dispatches was a mechanism for sending important messages during the Qing reign. Depending on the level of urgencies, the messages may be required to be sent 100 through 800 li each day. (One li roughly corresponds to 1/2 kilometer.) We found that there were 15520 imperial edicts that were sent as baili dispatches during the entire Qing reign, and that according to Qingshilu, the most urgent, 800 li dispatches, were used only 3 times.


QingShiLu databases digital humanities THDL Bai-Li dispatches


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DARC). Available: http://www.darc.ntu.edu.tw


