  • 學位論文


Party Alternation and the Transition of Industrial Technology Reserach Institute

指導教授 : 張佑宗


工業技術研究院是1973年依工業技術研究院設置條例所設立的國家級財團法人研發機構,任務為以科技研發創造經濟價值,帶動產業發展,其設立和發展受臺灣民主化下政經環境變化的影響。研究工業技術研究院協助政府產業發展的角色轉變,能觀察臺灣在民主化過程中,國家機關在產業發展中介入及自主程度。工業技術研究院在協助臺灣產業發展的過程中,須和政府及業界互動,形成網絡。行政精英、科技菁英、產業菁英以及立法委員的影響力在民主化下,呈現多元權力現象。本論文的目的為探討在臺灣民主化下,工業技術研究院因應政經環境發展的轉型。 因以單一財團法人工業技術研究院為研究對象,屬個案研究法。本研究主要採取的是歷史結構的研究途徑,以縱貫面的歷史變遷探討工業技術研究院隨臺灣民主化過程的發展演化。自變項為臺灣民主化,依變項為工業技術研究院角色,研究其因果關係。 論文先進行文獻的回顧,以相關工業技術研究院在協助國家產業發展的角色為聚焦重點,綜整出相關的理論回顧。接著探討工業技術研究院的背景,設定的緣由、法源依據及執行科專計畫;再依2000年政黨輪替的重大轉折,分2000年前後分析影響工業技術研究院的重大事件,探討工業技術研究院因應民主化的轉型,做成政黨輪替與工業技術研究院轉型的結論並提出後續研究的建議。 工業技術研究院的設立和轉型,受到政府產業政策方向影響很大,政府如扮演 Wade(1990)的領導市場型角色,工業技術研究院就可扮演產業火車頭的角色,成為產業主要技術提供者,是網脈中的關鍵節點;政府如扮演Wade(1990)的跟隨市場型角色,工業技術研究院就轉成平台的角色,提供協助企業間、企業和政府間的溝通協調功能,無法完全主導產業的發展。 因政權正當性累積的需求,臺灣政府領導者一直追求經濟的發展,但卻受到全球化競合的制約。政府領導者所依賴的政府官僚在戰後也能充分發揮,形成Evans(1998)所提的鑲嵌式產業政策制定,顯出Johnson(1982)首提的發展型國家特色。因後進國家皆採學習追趕的策略,亞洲新興國家也追隨亞洲四小龍和亞洲四小虎的成長途徑,成為第三波的成長型國家。臺灣的戰略產業如半導體產業在工業技術研究院協助下,成長茁壯並帶動經濟發展,此階段工業技術研究院成功地扮演產業火車頭角色。 臺灣經濟成長動能要繼續增長,須有高附加價值的新產業加入產業結構中。臺灣發展型國家的學習追趕策略已遭遇瓶頸,已無先進國家的產業藍圖可直接模仿。因應此情勢 ,國家仍可承擔部分風險,降低不確定性,協助新產業發展。國家可扮演的新角色是平台的創建者,而工業技術研究院配合國家在產業體系角色的轉換,可協助提供網脈中平台的功能。網脈中的所有行為者協同合作,沒有誰可宣稱為高高在上的主導者。 後續研究可朝更進一步分析工業技術研究院在各特定產業扮演的角色,藉以了解在產業發展中,同樣在民主化下,因產業環境因素的差異,因應方式不一定相同。後續的研究也可進一步探討國內其他法人在臺灣民主化下的因應轉型,和本論文的研究成果相互比較以分析其中的異同。


Industrial Technology Research Institute was established by law in 1973. The type of organization is the not-for-profit organization. The assigned mission is to stimulate the development of the industry. The research method of the thesis is singular case study. The historical structure approach is adapted to explore the relation between the transition of Industrial Technology Research Institute and the democratization of Taiwan. The democratization of Taiwan is set as the independent variable and the transition of Industrial Technology Research Institute is set as the dependent variable. The transition of Industrial Technology Research Institute is analyzed by the events in the breakdown of the first party alternation in 2000. The events before the first party alternation include the establishment of the strategy industry, the diffusion of industrial technology, and the participation of the election. The events after the first party alternation contain the variation of the board, the adjustment of the organization structure, the establishment of labor union by the employee, the recovery of the budget by the connection of the private industrial unions , the request of the law makers setting the ceiling of the salary. The evolution of Industrial Technology Research Institute is correspondent to the formulation of the industrial policies guided by the government. Industrial Technology Research Institute played the role of the locomotive of the Industry while the government executed the mode of leading market. Industrial Technology Research Institute played the role of the platform of the network of industry and government. Due to lack of the blueprint of new industry to follow, the strategy of catch-up adapted by the developmental state is forced to transfer toward trying the strategy of creation. The role of the state seems to transform toward the platformal state. The new developmental mode of Taiwan will be the platform state which adapts the strategy of the collaborative creation. Due to the time constraint, the study of the thesis was focused on the issue of the transition of Industrial Technology Research Institute. The further study on the role of Industrial Technology Research Institute in various industries at different stage of the industry life cycle is suggested. The comparison of the transition between the multiple cases of the similar not-for-profit organizations is also suggested.


