  • 學位論文


A Study on the Body-mind Theory in Ma-yi's Physiognomy

指導教授 : 張蓓蓓


本論文以《麻衣相法》為中心,探討中國相人術的身心理論。首先,爬梳相術、相書的演變,考察《麻衣相法》的編纂,確定其承先啟後之地位。然後通過分析《麻衣相法》的文本,將相人術歸納為「二見」(俗見、習見)與「三法」(擬象法、醫相法、道德法)。「俗見」為一般約定俗成的觀點和好惡;「習見」則為習常所見之經驗歸納,此兩者為相術之素底。「擬象法」藉著比類取象,了解此人之「相」及命運;「醫相法」通過中醫學的分析,了解此人之體質與個性,以推斷其命運;「道德法」則從一人之言行舉止、思想品德,推知其人之命運。   此三法背後,各有一身體預設,為「擬象的身體」、「氣化的身體」、與「道德的身體」,可總括中國相人術的身體觀。人的身體,就是「道」、「氣」、「象」之具現。由於「道」為創造之源頭,是以人的命運,決定於此心之「道」,轉移其身體之「氣」,而由體外之「象」得見。人心之道德,決定其外相,因此「相由心生」;觀其人之相,可反推其人之心,故能「觀相知心」;而由於人能自主其心,修其心善則得善相,修其心惡得則惡相,因此能「以心轉相」。修德於心,可以移其氣象,進而改變命運,可謂中國民間的普遍共識。


This research focuses on the body-mind theory of Chinese physiognomy in Ma Yi Physiognomy. First, by tracing the development of physiognomy in ancient China and observing the compilation of Ma Yi Physiognomy, I attempt to excavate the successive and inspiring value of this great work. Secondly, through a textual analysis on Ma Yi Physiognomy, we may know that the physiognomy in ancient China could be classified into “two viewpoints” and “three methods”. Concretely speaking, “two viewpoints” refer to usual experience and common sense which could be used to speculate one’s destiny. Besides, another three systematic methods are feasible. The first method is that we can analogize a man to an object with same characters. The second method is that we can recognize one’s physical and mental characteristic through the Chinese traditional medical analysis. And the last method is that we can conjecture one’s fate according to his behavior, thought and moral state. The above three methods are founded upon the basis that Chinese believe that human beings are formed by Qi as well as other matters in the universe having the similar or same nature with human. Thus we can know one’s fate well under an anagical comprehension on universe. Besides, If Qi in one’s body is good, his fate will also be good, and vice versa. Lastly, one’s destiny is greatly determined by his moral state. Among all the factors, moral state is the key point. Through the self-cultivation one may actively transform his body and fate to better.


