  • 學位論文


Embracing Rainbowism? Representations of Interracial Relationships in Three South African Novels

指導教授 : 齊東耿


本論文由安德烈•布林克的《風中一瞬》(1976)、J. M. 柯慈的《屈辱》(1999)、達蒙•加爾格特的《騙子》(2008)出發,探討種族歧視在南非不同時期的發展。此三個文本背景分別設定在南非殖民時期、政治轉型時期,以及當代的後反種族隔離政策時期。本論文聚焦於南非的歷史、社會政治以及經濟層面,由此三層面分析南非種族歧視的發展。面對南非當代種族議題,路易•文生與賽蒙•霍威爾在分析南非民主聯盟學生組織充滿爭議性的海報時,點出當代三個與種族問題難以切割的關鍵用語:「我不是種族主義者,但是……」、「我已經不在乎了」、「這不是種族問題,這是……」,這些定義了當今大眾對於種族歧視採取的態度。介於傳統的種族歧視與前述的當代態度之間,本論文藉由三本小說所設定的不同時空背景,探討種族議題如何由殖民時期的「激進種族歧視」,到轉型期的「非種族主義」,再發展到當今後反種族隔離時期的「再種族主義」。


This study explores the evolution of racism in South Africa by analysing representations of interracial relationships depicted in the novels of the following South African authors: André Brink’s An Instant in the Wind (1976) set in the colonial period, J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace (1999) set in the transitional era of post-antiapartheid, and Damon Galgut’s The Impostor (2008) representing the current post-antiapartheid twenty-first century. I focus on the historical, socio-political, and economic aspects of South Africa to analyse how racism has developed over the years. I use Louise Vincent and Simon Howell’s identification of three popular incantations (“I’m not a racist but…,” “I’m over it,” and “it’s not race it’s…”), which define South Africa’s contemporary views on racism, in their discussion of a controversial poster designed by DASO (2012) representing a black-white couple. I bridge the gap between the conventional view of deep-seated racism and the diversified contemporary view by exploring how the race issue has transformed from radical racism, under the colonial and apartheid period, to the emerging of non-racialism during the transitional period, and then finally to a re-racialization in the post-antiapartheid state.


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