  • 學位論文


The Ghost of the Regulatory of Sexual Morality in Criminal Law: Focus on Compulsory Indecency, Public Indecency and Spreading Obscene Objects

指導教授 : 李茂生


在1999年我國刑法修法增訂性自主罪章,正式宣告性自主法益為我國刑法所保障的法益之一。然而潛藏在我國司法判決系統的性道德規制並未消失,相反地,藉著資本主義的發展以及性自主脈絡的保護外殼,性道德以一種更難以發覺的方式持續存在著。此種現象在一般性犯罪是如此,在猥褻犯罪的相關定義與判斷中更是如此。 本文首先以強制猥褻罪、公然猥褻罪與散布猥褻罪的實務判決出發,找出性自主保護的下的矛盾,以此開啟本文的問題意識。之後並以女性主義與後結構主義的論述,根本的質疑性自主是否存在。本文基本上認為,並不存在一個先驗的主體性,性別、性取向等都是藉由身體的「展演」來進行實踐的。也就是說,性自主僅取決於個人的行動。在此種前提底下,性自主不會是一種主張,也不會有個普世皆然的標準。而我國刑法如想將性自主普世化,無疑是一種虛妄。 然而如果性自主罪章所保障的不是性自主,那為何存在?本文藉由傅科的論述以及資本主義的勞動邏輯論述,認為「性」,尤其是「猥褻」,在規訓和消費兩種作用力下被界定、被刺激,從而達到治理的目的。但為了此種治理的目的卻可能創造出許多的問題,例如可能會僵化人們對於性的想像、使此種原本保障個人的法律轉變為對於性少數與性弱勢族群的侵害。因此本文最終希望可以從法律解釋或是立法的方式,達成「去性化」的目的。或至少能使眾人對此問題有更多的警醒。


Sexual autonomy has been well established as one of legal interests in Taiwan since 1995. However, the regulatory of sexual morality hiding in criminal law system has never disappeared, on the contrary, it exists with the name of sexual autonomy and capitalism, especially in the indecent assault case. The purpose of the thesis is to demonstrate and explain why the phenomenon continuously exists and how to alleviate the negative impact to sexual minority. By case studying between Compulsory indecency, Public indecency and Spreading obscene objects, the thesis questions whether the protection of sexual autonomy is the real purpose of criminal law (or just some kind of political illusion). Moreover, the thesis demonstrates the viewpoint of Judith Butler’s viewpoint and the Post-Structural Feminism to oppose the conception of transcendental subject. The thesis then further advocates that “sex” or “sexual orientation,” is only decided by “performativity (nearly “action”).” From the viewpoint, the thesis asserts that sexual autonomy as one kind of rights would be hardly protected by our criminal law. The thesis then argues that, if the protection of sexual autonomy is not the real purpose of criminal law, what dominates the sex in criminal law. From the thesis’ perspective, the power of discipline (as Michel Foucault said) and consumption are the crux of the matter. For governing, the authority uses these power to differ, to stimulate, and to enforce the image of “good sex” and “bad sex.” However, the method would lead to, if not strengthen, the sexual discrimination. In order to avoid the situation, the thesis considers “unsexualization” a solution. To sum up, the thesis asserts that the ghost of the regulatory of sexual morality in criminal law still influences us. In order to alleviate the negative impact from the ghost, the thesis advocates that sexual should be used in the definition of indecent assault in criminal law.


