  • 學位論文


Entry Mode of International Construction Market for Construction Firms in Taiwan: A Case Study of Consultant Company

指導教授 : 荷世平


營建產業之國際化為當今台灣營建業市場必須面臨之挑戰。企業面臨國際化挑戰時,可能會遇到從上至下,從策略層級至執行面等許多的問題,而本研究將研究主題定於,企業進入國際化市場時,應採用之進入模式。希望能對台灣營建產業之國際化議題,提出一些看法與建議。 本研究之研究方法為模型建構法與個案研究法。將綜合文獻的討論與深入訪談、資料蒐集分析等方式,進行研究。首先將透過各種國際化的文獻、訪談的資料及本研究團隊分析綜整的結果,先針對營建產業國際化進入模式之選擇,建立一進入模式選擇模型,並提出八項分析命題,透過命題連結企業與進入模式之選擇過程。接著針對幾個亞洲新興市場進行分析,並透過個案研究方式,訪問一間台灣工程顧問公司,並針對其企業進行實案分析,實際演練本模型。同時透過此演練之過程,研擬適合台灣營建產業國際化之市場進入模式選擇策略,以工程顧問公司為研究對象。 最終的研究成果,為透過過去之經驗,國際學者的理論研究,與台灣營建業特性分析,建立進入模式決策模型、市場評估與進入模式建議。本研究認為當台灣之工程顧問企業欲進入國際市場,應採用獨資計畫、合資計畫之方式進入亞洲新興市場為佳。但本結論應依照企業特性與環境特性等狀況作調整,並非適用於所有企業,單純為透過個案研究所提出較適合類似條件之企業應用與參考。


Globalization has become one of the most critical issues for construction firms in Taiwan. However, internationalization of construction firms is a complex process and involves challenging decision making. This study focuses on the market entry strategies for during the process of internationalization. Two methodology are used in this research. One is Model Building and the other is Case Study. Based on a critical review of literature, detailed case studies, a model for market entry strategies is developed. In the market entry model, it is hypothesized that the entry mode is jointly determined environmental factors, strategic factors, and sources of competitive advantages. Meanwhile, the Hypothesis are defined to link the OLI model and the choice of entry modes. Also, a market survey of emerging market in Asia is presented in the next chapter. Furthermore, a case study is used to practice the modeling process. Applications of the models developed are presented in the study to demonstrate how the models can be implemented. A Taiwanese Consultant Company is studied in this case and conclude that Wholly Owned Project or Joint-Venture Project is the best choice to enter the new market. However, the suggestions are only served in this case or similar situation. It should be very careful that not all the firms can apply the same conclusion.


營建產業國際化進入策略之研究,毛昭凱 台灣大學,2008
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