  • 學位論文


Class-Based Affirmative Action in Higher Education-Focusing on College Admission

指導教授 : 黃昭元


我國現行法規中,對於原住民與離島地區學生進入大學設有特殊的保障規範,也就是大學入學階段,以種族和居住地區為基礎的優惠性差別待遇措施;然而,出身貧窮或社會經濟條件弱勢家庭之學生,在教育晉升的過程中,可能同樣面臨在篩選機制中處於劣勢的問題,卻未必同樣有獲得救濟之機會;本文檢討現行法制對於原住民及離島學生之保障,發現各該方案可能存在涵蓋過廣及涵蓋過窄之缺失,而未能及於社經地位弱勢之學生。由於高等教育對於個人社會流動之機會與社會地位之取得具有高度重要性,本文在此參考社會科學領域之實證研究結果,以了解高等教育機構,特別是頂尖大學學生之社經背景組成,以及社經背景因素如何影響個人取得高等教育之機會,進而認為可能亦有在大學入學階段實施「階級優惠性差別待遇」(class-based affirmative action)之必要性,並嘗試界定該措施之實施對象,也就是所謂的「社會經濟弱勢」。 在憲法層次,實質平等之平等規範內涵容許、甚至要求國家以積極保障措施調整特定群體所面臨之法律或事實上不平等,同時,憲法第159條亦規範國家應積極促進並維護國民受教育之機會一律平等;因此,本文認為國家可能有必要採取積極的手段,透過類似種族優惠性差別待遇之方式,在大學入學階段實施以社會經濟弱勢者為對象的階級優惠性差別待遇。本文認為,社會流動、矯正社會地位之事實上不平等,以及學生群體之多元化均為在高等教育領域實施階級優惠性差別待遇之重要目的。此外,本文亦參考國外高等教育機構實施階級優惠性差別待遇的經驗及其入學方案,嘗試提出在我國升學制度之脈絡下可行的具體實施辦法。最後,本文討論階級優惠性差別待遇面臨違憲審查時應適用之審查標準,以及階級優惠性差別待遇之相關爭議,包含受惠者可能為相對最不弱勢者,以及該措施與功績原則之衝突,並予以回應。


There are already existing college admission preferences in Taiwan for aboriginal students and residents in the isolated islands, that is, race and area-based affirmative action. However, students from socio-economically disadvantaged and poor families are also in an inferior position or confronted by certain barriers in the process of pursuing advanced studies, but at the same time, find themselves without available remedies. This article reviews the regulations for aboriginal students and residents in the isolated islands, and considers these protection measures over- and under-inclusive for not attending to low socio-economic-status students. Higher education is of great importance when it comes to chances of social mobility and status attainment. This article cites the researches of social scientists to show the socio-economic composition of students in higher educational institutions, especially in elite universities, which is remarkably advantaged, and how socio-economic backgrounds influence the opportunity of pursuing higher education. Further, this article argues that it might be necessary to implement “class-based affirmative action,” and tries to delineate its beneficiaries: the socio-economically disadvantaged. With regard to the constitutional basis of implementing class preferences, the principle of equality and the conception of substantial equality approve, and even demand, the adoption of positive action to remedy the inequalities experienced by certain social groups. Moreover, the Article 159 of the Constitution commands that the State promote and maintain the equality of opportunity to receive education of all citizens. Therefore, it might be necessary for the State to take positive action to implement class preferences in college admission, which targets socioeconomically disadvantaged students. Furthermore, this article believes that social mobility, remedying de facto inequalities of social status, and student body diversity are important goals of class-based affirmative action in higher education. In addition, by making reference to the experiences of several foreign higher educational institutions, this article tries to come up with a feasible as well as constitutional admission scheme. Finally, this article discusses the standard of judicial review of class-based affirmative action in college admission. And there are also other disputes about classed-based affirmative action: it is contended that the beneficiaries of classed-based preferences would primarily be “the most privileged” of the socio-economically disadvantaged or “the top of the bottom”, and that affirmative action conflict with meritocratic principles. This article goes through and tries to reply to these claims.


王玉葉(2005)。〈美國高等教育優惠待遇何去何從-美國最高法院拒絕審理Hopwood v. Texas案之省思〉,焦興鎧主編,《美國最高法院重要判決之研究:一九九六∼一九九九》。台北:中央研究院歐美研究所。


