  • 學位論文

走過獵人的路─自然環境中的女性身體經驗 與認同:獵人學校個案研究

Going through the way of hunters ─ The body experience and self-identification of Women in natural environment: A case study of Hunter School

指導教授 : 畢恆達


本研究透過獵人學校的女性山林課程探討女性身體在自然環境中的樣態,顯示出女性身體在都市環境所受到的限制。過去討論女性身體的場域多是以都市為主,例如街道或是家屋,較少討論女性在自然環境中的身體經驗。在都市環境中,性別歧視與刻板印象劃分了女性可活動的空間,女性更常被限制在自然環境之外。 獵人學校轉化狩獵的文化意義,提升到精神層次,認為狩獵不只包含獵取獵物,隨著自然環境適應的身體能力更為重要。並透過身體經驗取向的課程讓學員重新體驗受獵人文化中的人與自然關係。在相較於都市環境原始且幾乎沒有人工規劃的自然環境中,去掉便利的工具與環境條件,女性的身體得以在這個過程重新面對身體在都市中的惰性、感官萎縮、對自然的恐懼或對自身能力的不信任。此具體化的身體經驗是很重要的,透過直接面對生存所必需的勞動,加上自然環境與團隊課程的開放,讓女性重新探索自己的身體能力,並從真實的身體感受而非知識的吸收,辨識出女性在空間中的定位以及自我認同的內涵。


This research try to reveal the limitation of female body experience in city life by discuss female body experience in natural environment in the class of hunter school for women. In the past, the field which discuss about female body focus on city life, for example, street or house. It lacks female body experience in natural environment. It's hard for a woman to see the possibility of their body ability under sex discrimination and that make them have no confident about their ability. Hunting is not just hunting animals, but include the ability of adapting in natural environment. Hunter school transfer the meaning of hunting culture to spirit level and try to focus on the relationship between human and nature by offering a body-oriented hunting class to let student experience the way hunters show their spirit. Compared to environment in city life, natural environment where the class taking in is more primitive and few artificial planning. So without convenient condition, female body has a chance to confront the original situation in city life which their body is lazy, and their sense is degenerate, also their distrust to their ability and feeling fear to nature. This specific body experience is important, through working by directly face living, natural environment and open group style, making women re-explore their body ability. Not from knowledge but from a practical body experience which is not just from knowing the knowledge, we can re-identify the position of women in different space and context of their identification.


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