  • 學位論文


Design of a Series-type Dynamic Voltage Regulator for an Unbalanced Power System

指導教授 : 許源浴


摘 要 在科技日進千里的今日,各式各樣的消費性電子產品已成為生活不可或缺的一環。而工業界也隨著對產品的需求與日劇增下,進而擴廠或添加精密度更高的負載設備用以提高產能或提升產品良率,相形之下電力品質也就愈異重要。電力中斷與電壓驟降在電力品質問題中所占比例最重,因其所導致的敏感性設備毀壞或製程中斷,特別是在密集度高的高科技產業區,每年因之導致實際的經濟損失可謂不小。因此,已有很多的研究是在針對在電壓驟降下,如何來減少對敏感性設備的傷害,進而節省成本,減少損失;其中動態電壓調整器(Dynamic Voltage Regulator,DVR)為近年來被運用解決電力擾動的方法之一。 本論文之目的在分析及設計動態電壓調整器,此調整器為串聯型之架構,並接一直流電容器提供電壓來源,使用脈波寬度調變技術完成三相電壓源型變流器之設計。論文中主要針對動態電壓調整器在穩態及暫態兩方面之特性進行研究。模擬方面使用PSCAD 軟體來評估系統補償效果;實驗方面採以個人電腦為基礎,配合研華公司PCL-1800資料擷取卡,透過C語言來達成電壓補償控制,最後由模擬及實驗結果來驗證動態電壓調整器在配電系統中之應用。


Abstract The proliferation of voltage-sensitive load equipment has made industrial processes much more vulnerable to degradation in the quality of power supply. Voltage deviations, often in the form of voltage sags, can cause severe process disruptions and result in substantial economic losses. Therefore, cost-effective solutions which can help such sensitive loads ride through momentary power supply disturbances have attracted much research attention. Among the several novel custom power devices, the dynamic voltage restorer (DVR) for application in distribution systems is a recent invention. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze and design the Dynamic Voltage Regulator (DVR). This compensator employs a direct current capacitor to offer the voltage source and uses the pulse-width modulation technology to adjust the output voltage of the three-phase voltage-sourced inverter. Both steady-state performance and transient characteristic of the DVR are investigated in the thesis. The effectiveness of the designed DVR is first investigated by digital simulations using the PSCAD software. Then, in the experiment, the control kernel of digital system for DVR is based on a personal computer with Adventec PCL-1800 data acquisition cards. The three-phase pulse width modulation signals are generated by computer software in order to reach the objective of voltage compensation. Finally, it is concluded from results of simulations and experiments that load bus voltage can be effectively regulated by the designed DVR.


Dynamic Voltage Regulator


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王俊傑(2006)。12-pulse VSI用於串聯型動態電壓調整器之研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2006.00092
