  • 學位論文


The Evolutionary Dynamics of Digital Still Camera Industry in Taiwan

指導教授 : 李吉仁


在過去十年間,全球數位相機的出貨量已成長到2004年的6000萬台,而傳統的相機幾乎完全被取代了,在一路高成長率的慶祝聲中,台灣數位相機廠商也搭上了這一部成長的列車,紛紛在2000年到2003年間在台灣掛牌上櫃上市。但是,這樣的榮景卻在2004年下半年開始急轉直下,使得諸多台灣廠商出現虧損,二線廠商更是漸漸退出市場,而這一波產業盤整到2005年預期還將繼續波及到日系的大廠,裁員、關廠及退出的大動作連連傳出。究竟此一產業結構的變動,背後的系統性因素為何?而吾人又可以從此一變動與廠商策略行為中,得到何種啟示? 為回答這些問題,本研究以產業分析相關理論,搭配歷史資料與產業實證報告,希望能夠勾勒過去十年間數位相機產業的競爭動態與演進,以提供現有的台灣數位相機廠商的未來策略布局的參考。 整體而言,數位相機產業過去十年的歷史,到目前為止可歸納為三個具有不同競爭特質的階段,分別是萌芽期、成長期、盤整期。而該產業之所以會快速由極盛演變至趨緩,可歸因於以下幾項重要的產業發展動因的動態發展;包括 (1)技術快速演進,及不同業者之遊戲規則加速跳過萌芽期鴻溝。 (2)產品加值不加價,提供高畫質高畫素數位相機吸引消費者購買 引發成長期。 (3)需求面假象造成產能過度擴充 導致削價競爭造成成長趨緩, 進入了盤整期。 (4)替代產品照相機的威脅也是引發盤整期的原因之一。 最後,本研究針對此一產業發展的經驗,提出數點相關的廠商策略建議,以及數項值得未來繼續研究的議題。


This study is to investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the Digital Still Camera(DSC) industry in Taiwan. For the past ten years, the worldwide DSC shipment has been reached 60 million units in 2004, and almost replaces the traditional film camera market. With this growing trend, Taiwan DSC manufacturers has experienced fast growth and went public with very good standing in the capital market. However, this industry experienced shake-out change in the 2nd half of 2004. Some of 2nd Tiers of Taiwan DSC manufacturers are forced to exit from this market due to unaffordable loss. Till 2005, major Japanese DSC companies also announced to layoff employees, close factories for saving cost, or may even exit from this market. This present study explores the competitive dynamics underlying the evolution of Digital Still Camera industry by applying theoretical analysis between industry life cycle and industry structure analysis. Based on the process of literature research, archival data analysis and dialectical examination, this study identified several key reasons attributable to the industry dynamic changes, including fast technological changes, pressure of price elevation, overexpansion due to optimistic demand estimation, increasing threat of substitution. Implications and strategic suggestions based on our analysis are also discussed.


4. 『數位相機及照相手機商機之轉變』,(2004),拓墣產業研究。
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