  • 學位論文


Study and Improvement on Print Through Phenomenon of Yacht Surface

指導教授 : 林輝政


物體表面若高低起伏過大,光的反射成像模糊會產生扭曲、皺折,此現象稱為print-through phenomenon (PT現象),此現象對GFRP遊艇船殼的美觀影響甚大,因此本文將針對PT現象進行深入的觀察,發掘問題根源所在,藉由對問題根源的了解,歸納出影響PT現象的因素,進而提出改善的方法,除此之外,為清楚定義複合材料表面是否有PT現象存在,本文使用的方法是利用對複合材料之膠殼表面進行表面掃描,由表面的中心線平均粗糙度Ra及最大高低差Rt來判定PT現象是否存在,綜合大量實驗的觀察及實驗的結果,本文認為複合材料積層過程中,樹脂硬化過程的體積收縮以及真空壓力差變化會使複材膠殼產生內應力,而此內應力便和PT現象的產生有極大的關係,這樣的說法也符合實驗的觀察和結果。


螺纹印 纖維 樹脂 遊艇


Imaging using reflected light is imperfect when twists and wrinkles are present in the material surface. This phenomenon is called print-through phenomenon (PTP) in this investigation and the lines present on the material surface are called print-through lines. PTP reduces the beauty of a yacht. This investigation considers PTP to determine its cause for proposing the techniques to reduce PTP by elucidating the cause of PTP and the factors that influence it. This study seeks to define PTP. The surface of the material is scanned using a probe surface scanning machine and the average surface roughness (Ra) and the height of the surface profile (Rt) are used to determine the existence of PTP. Earlier studies and experimental observations indicate that PTP is related to the inner stress in the plastic matrix. The inner stress is caused by shrinkage of the plastic matrix during plastic hardening. To verify this opinion, qualitative analysis was performed, the origin of PTP is thus determined and improve PTP of yacht surface.


Print-through phenomenon surface scan FRP gel coat composite


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