  • 學位論文

利用遊戲鼓勵多喝水的行為: 結合行動裝置、人機互動技術、說服力科技的智慧型杯子

Playful Bottle: a Mobile Social Persuasion System

指導教授 : 朱浩華



This paper presents the lessons learned in designing and evaluating a social persuasion system. This social persuasion system, called the Playful Bottle, consists of a mobile phone attached to an everyday drinking mug, and motivates office workers to drink healthy quantities of water. This study discusses the results of a 10-week quantitative user study and qualitative focus group interviews. We describe how users interacted with one other through the systems’ care-giving and care-receiving interface and how the system’s social effect influenced drinking behaviors. Based on our findings, we offer lessons learned on how to design an effective social persuasion system. We hope that these lessons will help researchers design effective social persuasion systems.


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