  • 學位論文


China's Golf Industry Development and Competitive Advantage

指導教授 : 陳明通 教授


本研究利用價值創造循環(VCC Model)分析的架構,針對中國高爾夫產業的七個環節市場、趨勢、政策、專利、生產與製造、品牌與通路,整個上下游鏈做一完整的分析與探討,並瞭解每個環節之間的競爭合作關係。同時也以北美高爾夫市場作一比較下,來歸納出中國高爾夫球產業發展的競爭優劣勢何在、其又有哪些機會,並對其提出策略與建議。 本研究共分為七大章節,第一章緒論,介紹高爾夫運動的歷史發展。第二章相關理論與文獻檢討,就所採用的文獻與理論加以探討。第三章研究設計,針對研究所要採取的研究途徑及研究方法作,以及研究架構作介紹、並對研究的概念錯界定;並對研究範圍及研究資料來源作一解釋、最後對於可能的研究限制加以說明之。第四章全球高爾夫發展概況。第五章中國高爾夫產業發展分析,利用VCC分析中的各個主要環節,針對中國高爾夫球產業來加以介紹分析;同時就政府相關政策作探討並利用對高爾夫球場俱樂部、製造商、美國PGA & LPGA職業球員、房產開發商、高爾夫媒體專家等等的訪談,所得到的資訊結果,來分析現階段中國高爾夫產之機會與其優劣勢何在。第六章研究結論與建議,對上述章節的分析結果作個結論,並對中國高爾夫球產業未來之發展方向做出預測與建議。


The research is based on the framework of Value Creation Cycle (VCC). Analyzing the market, trend, China Government legislation and China policy, Golf patents, manufacturing of golf clubs, clothing, shoes, Golf branding and Golf channels, Golf Tourism, and Golf Real Estate development. In this way, we can get the complete picture of Golf industry from upstream to downstream, and their relationship in cooperation and competition. The study also takes the relative mature northern American Golf market as an example, comparing with the gradually thriving Chinese market, to deliberate on the future steps China firms should take based on the VCC concept. The information results and analysis are presented in different stages of the China golf industry and the competitive advantage and disadvantage with the VCC Model. Chinese Golf market shows a totally unique path moving forward, which means it also unlocks a chance for China Companies investing in the Golf Industry. The Value Creation Cycle Model aims at value creation cycle analysis pattern (VCC Model) affects the Chinese golf industry, integral golf development, law, the literature analysis method and the in depth interview method. The VCC Model also analysis and research of China golf industry, golf development, and information from China golf official and Golf Resort CEO and entrepreneurs. This report covers the golf market, the opportunities and the explosive growing force of Golf in China and China’s competitive advantage. The structure of thesis: Chapter 1: The golf history introduction. Chapter 2: This chapter discusses the literature and the theory used on the research. Chapter 3: This chapter aims at studies of the Chinese golf industry motive and the goal performs Explanation; Next research institute must adopt regarding this grinds the way and the research technique makes the explanation and the introduction; This chapter also focus at the golf industry and the related term makes a more explicit definition; Finally the explanation range of study and the overall construction, and explains the possible research limit. Chapter 4: Global golf industry overall environment analysis. This chapter aims at present global golf industry, the overall environment to make the discussion and the analysis, and makes the introduction of the global golf market profile and the present situation. Chapter 5: Chinese golf industrial development analysis. This chapter uses the VCC analysis for key link including the Chinese golf industry to introduce the analysis. Simultaneously also makes an analysis and the discussion to the Chinese government golf's related policy and the measure. This chapter also discusses the Chinese Golf Association with the golf course club and the CEO and General Managers of the Golf Clubs. The discussion includes the golf ball and related manufacturers, the business agent and the dealer, PGA and the LPGA professional players. Plus golf real estate developers and the golf media expert were interviewed. The information results and analysis are presented in different stages of the China golf industry and the competitive advantage based on VCC Model. Chapter 6: covers the research conclusion and suggestions. This chapter will summarize of development direction and the conclusion the Chinese golf industry future.


王元勇,王增明,2002,《強式品牌創建與發展》,北京: 中國工商出版社。


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