  • 學位論文

個人的即政治的: 從經典理論到實境描繪下的權力與愛情

The Personal is the Political: From Canonic Theories to Situated Theories of Power and Love

指導教授 : 陳思賢


愛慾(eros)激發人類追求權力與愛情,本文認為權力與愛情是為互見關係。從經典理論看待權力與愛情有三種相似樣態,皆由崇高、本能與貶抑的方向出發。柏拉圖、盧梭視二者為對理想、美善的追求;尼采、佛洛伊德則主張二者皆是人類的本能,無所謂優劣評價之分;聖•奧古斯丁則以政治神學的觀點批判二者為人類的墮落、粗鄙行徑。 然而,經典理論對權力與愛情所陳述的三分法無法精確掌握真實人生裡變動的情狀,故本文嘗試以文學劇本來探討愛慾的搏動,馬基維利、莎士比亞即是融合政治思想於文學作品的先行者,且內容同樣描繪王侯將相競逐權力與愛情的實境。因此,其後章節從莎士比亞的多部劇本中分析政治菁英追求權力與愛情的「過程」、「結果」與「意義」。 於「過程」中,權力與愛情彼此為縮影。在持續變動的競逐中,人在權力中的行為猶如在愛情裡一般,用盡一切社會所學,且具體而微地運用在追求愛情。因此,兩個人的愛慾是愛情,若放大至集體社會中,便是多人政治慾望的相互角力。追逐二者的「結果」必然是賭徒豪賭後的勝敗結局,拋擲一切追求所欲物。孤注一擲的投入導致追逐行動迫近危險境地,賭徒面臨諸多關鍵的抉擇「to be or not to be?」。而愛慾催化激情,使得追逐行動往往把一己推向死亡的結局。此追逐戰的「意義」是愛慾催逼出「自我揭露」(Self-disclosure),把內在不為人知、己知的人格面貌掏出,證成自我;再經由一連串與外界的互動,與揭露後的人格進行對話、修正與調整,形塑出獨有的「自我樹立」(Self-enactment)。政治菁英畢生戮力追求所欲之權力與愛情,饜足一己的慾望勝過生之慾,愛慾壓抑了人類與生俱來的生存慾望,愛慾的興亡是己任,個人的生死早已棄之度外。 「情場」如「政壇」,在愛情裡看見權力的運作;在政壇裡望見有如愛情的苦苦相逼、生死相許。回到初始的驅力,愛慾終其一生與生之慾纏鬥,孰輕孰重,唯有親履之人方可知曉。


The purpose of this thesis is about political elites who pursue the power and love under the drive of “eros”. It is likely that pursuing power is similar to pursuing love. That is to say, power and love elucidate each other. First of all, power and love are categorized into three similar images in the canons, they mutually interpret. However, canons can hardly describe the complication and dynamic situation of life. As a result, the thesis tries to propose a “situated theories” found in literatures to enhance the lack of canons. Machiavelli and Shakespeare’s dramas could be the bridge between the “canonic theories” and “situated theories” of power and love. Their dramas indicate the meaning of politics. In the last three chapters, I found political elites’ process, results and meanings of pursuing love and power from the description in dramas. In the process, eros includes in many characters. Pursuing power and love are like micro-cosmos, love and power are epitomes of each other. Just as competing in political field, we make the best of social skills for pursuing love. I conclude that eros between two lovers is love, and eros among people is politics. Political elites pursue eros without hesitation and disregard the consequence often lead to danger. Political elites face a tremendous question: “to be or not to be”? So pursuing power and love is like gambling. That means political elites encounter unmasking moment when pursuing power and love. Through this action, they experience from self-disclosure to self-enactment and fulfill themselves consequently. Pursuing eros usually represses the instinct of self-preserving, so in the end such pursuing actions are usually causing the deaths of political elites. In conclusion, eros has great impact on political elites, however, situated description are not words, only men who experience of approaching eros and death simultaneously can understand the myth of eros.


1999 《新譯本 莎士比亞四大悲劇(上)》,台北:貓頭鷹。
1999 《新譯本 莎士比亞四大悲劇(下)》,台北:貓頭鷹。
2006 《佛洛伊德:慾望決定命運》,北京:新世界。
2008 《誤解莎士比亞》,台北:印刻出版社。
1995 《莎士比亞通論 歷史劇》,台北:書林。
