  • 學位論文


The Growth Strategy of Chinese Enterprises from a Dynamic Capabilities Perspective – A Case Study of the Lenovo Group

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥
共同指導教授 : 陳忠仁


中國現今為世界第三大資本流出國,許多中國企業國際化後逐漸取代先進國家企業成為世界之領導廠商,其中最具指標性的案例為電腦製造商聯想集團。聯想集團藉由一系列之併購與策略活動迅速茁壯與國際化;並隨著市場環境與技術不斷變遷,調整策略與內部管理活動,成功地由國內電腦代理商成為世界個人電腦領導廠商。有鑑於此,在不斷變遷的環境中,企業如何調整核心能力,並維持競爭優勢是很重要的存續關鍵,而研究聯想集團之國際化路徑與動態能力演化,提供了一套可供參考的路徑,可以幫助企業建立核心能力,持續創造其競爭優勢。 本研究以中國的聯想集團作為個案研究的對象,使用動態能力觀點為分析架構,探討個案企業成長的過程與國際化發展的路徑,並依其擴張的市場範疇,將其成長路徑分為國內市場擴張、國際化、多角化等三階段,檢視各階段中擴張動機、策略手段、與核心能力發展的異同;最後結合各階段作綜合比較,歸納聯想集團各階段之事業成長策略,面對不同的成長時期,企業需要哪些資源與流程去建構其動態能力,方能適應外在環境的變動。 研究結果指出,聯想集團進行國際化,第一、它藉由建立品牌知名度與產品差異化來建立競爭能力,使產品具有獨特性,提高外部消費者之接受度;第二、協調整合不同海外文化與管理風格,利用一系列營運活動來增加內部員工之信心,以及降低營運成本;第三,考量不同地區之差異,針對不同的海外市場因地制宜採取不同策略,運用合資與領導廠商合作快速瞭解當地消費者的需求與品味;最後,政府支持也為其發展成功的重要因素之一。


In the past few years, the emergence of new entrants from mainland China have been rapidly growing and becoming influential in international markets. Among these new players, the Lenovo Group in the personal computer industry has had extremely fast growth, rising from a regional player to a world-leading dominant actor (rank first in PC manufacturers) within only 8 years. The company adjusted their core capabilities continuously through acquiring stronger competitors and leverage internal sources to sustain their competitive advantages in changing environments. Therefore, an understanding towards the strategies used by Lenovo may provide practical suggestions for companies in similar situations. This study aims to examine the motives, learning process and sequential capabilities development in Lenovo, by the different phases through employing the structure of dynamic capabilities theory. The elaboration of this purpose is to identify the growth strategies implemented by Chinese Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) to expand abroad through the qualitative method. The results reveal Lenovo’s evolutionary progress with reference to external environments. The company leverages its core capabilities including distribution and services, technological and brand advantages, supply chain, and government supports in order to contain its competitive advantages. The conclusion presents the possibility to extend the experience of China to other developing economics.


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