  • 學位論文

斑石鯛人工孵化繁殖與飼料中不同含量蛋白質對斑石鯛幼魚 成長與體組成之影響

Artificial Breeding, Rearing and Dietary Protein Levels on Juvenile Growth of Spotted Knifejaw, Oplegnathus punctatus

指導教授 : 廖文亮
共同指導教授 : 冉繁華(Fan-Hua Nan)


本實驗分為二個部分: 實驗一為開發斑石鯛人工孵化繁殖技術。實驗二為飼料中添加不同蛋白質對斑石鯛幼魚成長與體組成之影響。實驗一對斑石鯛種魚藉由人工催熟使其性腺成熟,並培育斑石鯛,建立斑石鯛胚胎發育、仔稚魚形態發育及人工孵化繁殖餌料生物投餵序列。生殖季期間以塑膠軟管檢視種魚成熟度後,施打 HCG 1000 I.U. / kg、LHRH - A2 20 μg / kg促進其成熟後於傍晚昏暗時將斑石鯛雌魚取出擠卵後,再以斑石鯛精子進行人工授精,平均受精率為 71.20 ± 0.10 %,受精卵為淡黃色、單一油球之浮性透明卵,受精卵平均直徑為1.03 ± 0.04 mm,油球徑為0.23 ± 0.01 mm。水溫 23 ± 1 ℃ 下,受精後 3 hr 40 min 進入桑椹期;受精後 7 hr 50 min 進入原腸期;受精後 14 hr 25 min 進入神經胚期,受精後 15 hr 10 min 進入器官形成期;受精後 29 hr 30 min 胚胎孵化,剛孵出仔魚體標準長1.96 ± 0.01 mm,具一橢圓卵黃囊,長徑 1.05 ± 0.01 mm;短徑0.65 ± 0.01 mm;油球徑 0.21 ± 0.01 mm,孵化後第 3 天卵黃囊完全吸收,魚體標準長 3.65 ± 0.05 mm。仔魚一開口可攝食輪蟲與橈腳類無節幼蟲,隨成長投餵較大體型之橈腳類幼生及成蟲,孵化後第 21 天進入稚魚期,第 23 天後增加餵食豐年蝦無節幼蟲,第 28 天除餵食餌料生物並開始以少量商業飼料馴餌,至第 44 天進入幼魚期,魚體標準長 25.98 ± 3.70 mm,黑色圓點數量增加,體色由乳白色轉為黑褐色,此時已可完全投餵商業人工飼料。斑石鯛仔魚與稚幼魚發育在水溫 26 ± 1 ℃ 下,第 44 天完成變態。實驗二以紅魚粉為蛋白質來源,鱈魚肝油與玉米油為油脂來源,配製等油脂 (7 %) 等能量之六組不同蛋白質 (35 %、40 %、45 %、50 %、55 %、60 %) 飼料投餵平均初重約 16 g 斑石鯛幼魚 8 週。結果顯示水溫29 ± 1 ℃ 下,斑石鯛幼魚增重率在 227.79 ± 46.2 % - 477.47 ± 24.42 % 之間,SGR 在 2.10 ± 0.26 - 3.13 ± 0.08之間,FCR在 1.05 ± 0.13 - 1.67 ± 0.49之間,各成長指標隨著飼料蛋白質含量增加而增加,並在蛋白質含量55 % 組有最高增重率 (477.47 ± 24.42 %),與蛋白質含量 35 % - 50 % 組有顯著差異 ( p < 0.05),折線回歸求得最適蛋白質含量為57.58 %。增重率、飼料轉換率及特殊成長率在蛋白質含量 35 % - 55 % 時會隨著蛋白質含量增加而改善。蛋白質效率 (PER) 在1.61 ± 0.24 - 1.91 ± 0.38 之間,隨著飼料蛋白質含量上升而下降,並在蛋白質含量 60 % 組為最低 (1.61 ± 0.24 ),各組之活存率最佳為 96 %,飼料蛋白質含量 35 % 組別之活存率為 36 %,低於飼料蛋白質含量 40 % - 60 % 組別。


This study aims to promote artificial rearing and breeding techniques of Oplegnathus punctatus via record of embryonic ontogeny, larval and juvenile development and establishment of a feeding program for the species, and then assigned toexperiment II to know the effect of dietary protein level on the growth and body composition of O. punctatus juvenile.In the first trial, used the injection of hCG 1000 IU/kg BW and LHRH - α 20μg / kg treatment to induce spawning of female O. punctatus and were artificially fertilized from April to May 2017. The fertilized pelagic eggs are transparent with diameter of 1.03 ± 0.04 mm and single oil globule with diameter of 0.23 ± 0.01 mm. The eggs hatched in 30 hours after fertilization at 23 ± 1 ℃. The newly-hatched larvae are 1.96 ± 0.01 mm in standard length. From 3 to 33 dph the larvae can be fed with rotifers and copepods enriched with Nannochloropsis oculata and Tetraselmis chui, bigger copepods and nauplii can be fed as larvae grows up. Metamorphosis occurred in 28 dph and artificial feed was mixed with artemia to train the larvae to accept. After 44 dph, the larvae developed into juvenile stage with 26 mm in standard length. In the second trial, O. punctatus juvenile with initial weight 16 g fed on six diets with same energy and lipid level (7 %) but different dietary protein levels of 35, 40, 45, 50 %, 55 % and 60 % for eight weeks. The result showed the weight gain were between 227.79 ± 46.24 % - 477.47 ± 24.42 %, specific growth rate (SGR) were between 2.10 ± 0.26 - 3.13 ± 0.08, feed conversion ratio (FCR) were between 1.05 ± 0.13 - 1.67 ± 0.49. Fish fed diet with 55 % protein has the highest weight gain (477.47 ± 24.42 %), and was significant higher than diets with 35 - 50 % protein (p< 0.05). Based on the weight gain using broken-line model analysis showed the optimal dietary protein level for O. punctatus juvenile with initial weight of 16 g cultured under 29 ± 1 ℃ is 57.58 %. Weight gain, SGR were between 2.10 ± 0.26 - 3.13 ± 0.08 and were improved with dietary protein increased from 35 % to 55 %. SGR in diets with 55 % protein was significant higher than diets with 35 - 50 % protein (p< 0.05). FCR were between 1.05 ± 0.13 - 1.67 ± 0.49 and improved with dietary protein increased. Fish fed 55 % has lowest FCR (1.05 ± 0.13) and significant lower than groups fed 35 - 45 % protein diets. Coefficient factor (CF) was not significantly increased by dietary protein level among 40 - 60 % groups (p> 0.05). Hepatosomatic index (HSI) and viscerosomatic index (VSI) was not generally affected with dietary protein. Crude protein in muscle increased with increasing dietary protein. Crude lipid and Ash in muscle was not significantly affected with dietary protein among 40 - 60 % groups.


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