  • 學位論文


Research on third-party supervision system to PCM role in turnkey public projects

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


公共工程採用統包模式以取代傳統營建工程設計與施工分開的採購辦理方式乃為世界之趨勢,尤其在「政府採購法」與「統包實施辦法」頒佈實施以後,使統包採購具有法源依據、並且相關案例國內近年來亦執行不少。在國內採購法令的架構下,監造暨技術服務為各級主辦機關執行品質管理並且監督施工品管主要方式之一。但由於時代發展與演進,建築工程的複雜程度與介面多元,傳統採購方式已無法完全合乎業主需求,如果期望達到縮短工期、降低成本、予以立即整合較佳之施工介面等目的則多採用統包方式發包。 綜觀國內公共工程統包,從結合設計、施工,從工程開始的規劃到最後的完工,都由營造廠商協同建築師統一整合,整合成果也直接影響工程品質。而這類型的統包案件中,大部分以專案管理廠商(PCM)執行先期規畫及監造工作,對統包商加以管理。從政策面理解,採行統包作業最重要的目的就是要增加效率。 本研究對象以政府委託專案管理廠商(PCM)執行監造工作為探討方向,目前全國各機關以統包方式辦理招標時,以非工程專責機關辦理之統包案件最多。因非工程專責機關,其編制內並無工程專業人員,或專業人員編制不足,致無法勝任統包採購之備標與評選、施工圖說審查、施工監造及驗收等工作,造成執行過程諸多缺失,影響公共工程執行效率。在這樣的狀況之下,專案管理廠商 (PCM) 對於統包的施工管理與監造作業,如何進行監督?目前的監督成效如何?希望針對類似案件為例,探討在案件進行階段中導入第三方監造單位,協助監督工程品質,並且達到縮短工期、降低成本、予以立即整合較佳之施工介面等目的。 本研究期望經由文獻蒐集、案例研討及現況執行之問題分析,透過專家訪談與問卷調查,整理出統包專案在執行各階段過程中的幾項影響因子: 一、釐清公共工程統包案件中,委託專案管理廠商(PCM)執行監造部分的重要問題 1、專案管理(PCM)執行監造工作之現況與問題,分析監造管理制度與對象影響政府工程的統包案件之因素及其關連性 2、監造管理之內涵分析:包括監造權責劃分,細部設計審查階段之前置影響,施工階段監造作業之管理邏輯,施工階段變更設計造成之影響 二、在政府的公共工程統包案件中,導入第三方監造單位之可行性 1、在政府的公共工程統包案件中,採行第三方監造可能遭遇的問題 2、建立公共工程統包案件中,導入第三方監造之SOP 期能研擬可行的監造管理策略,以供工程主辦機關採用統包採購時參考資料。 本研究之研究方法以相關資料收集與案例整理蒐集國內外探討統包案專案管理第三方監造與專案監造之相關文獻討論,分析執行統包專案時涉及到監造管理之相關議題,藉由個案探討中歸納出可能影響統包專案之第三方監造管理層面的各因素,系統化地建立架構、整理成表。同時,採用五點式李克特式量表(Likert-type scale)之問卷測試,其為數字式多選項態度量表(multiple-item scales),可讓受試者對各題項(影響因子)重要性的肯定、偏好程度或否定、不偏好程度增減,依概念表達其反應態度,後可利用計算態度分數的高低,充分量化個人意見。研究對象主要自國內營建相關產業中,接觸過統包專案之單位,選取符合本研究所需之受試者,或者於統包之相關研討會等,逕行對與會先進發行問卷。 經本研究調查與整理得知,公共建築工程統包作業牽涉甚廣,要將統包案件確實執行,必然要找出最關鍵的問題點。對於統包工程執行的施工監督管理(PCM)一定會是首先討論的議題,而影響(PCM)監造管理層面相當多元,皆對於公共建築工程統包的監造管理有重大影響。由前述研究所示,現行制度上(PCM)監造管理其實有相當多的衝突與矛盾,其中最首要的部分在於承攬與監造雙方對於監造角色的認知與權責落差,基於這樣子的落差,後續的監造手段與過程容易流於形式或是造成衝突。這也是在本研究調查中最為人所詬病的。(PCM)監造人員的專業度與人力資源是否充足,也連帶成為影響因子,因為組成團隊本身的狀態導致執行層面的矛盾。 此外,屬於源頭端的問題也相當明顯,政府在訂定統包需求書與業主需求時,應該符合長遠的政策目標與需求。以目前的執行結果來看,許多發包實例中得到的統包需求書,在發包施工後,跟委辦機關的需求有非常大的落差。甚至在有些案子施工後對於最基本的空間量的需求、目的等等都有著不一樣的考量。而就我們的調查所知,案件一但進入現場施工之後立刻變更,不但無法有足夠時間檢討介面,影響工程程度相當巨大,若站在依照統需書執行的統包團隊的立場,當然會感到挫折同時使工程沒有效率。據此應有一個更嚴謹的模式確認統包需求書之內容,而後進行統包團隊的遴選,而不是進入工程現場之後再做變更設計。 因此,統包的工程管理觀念,應在源頭就進行控制。此外進行統包設計端與監造管理端是否有提前的偵錯機制?另外在各種介面圖說中是否可以置入提前的的審查機制與時間等等?提早介入協調與角色分派,應該可以是更積極地促使統包商有足夠時間與餘裕檢討並且進行施工。本研究思考的方向是,將監造作業由專管的工作範疇中區隔,採行第三方獨立監造作業。這個做法其實並非獨厚一方,而是將監造繁重的檢討與專業的協調工作提早進行,合併現行的專管角色與制度,取得在位階與權力責任中的平衡。建議在現行制度中加入協助第三方的流程與分析,找出提早共同介入的時機點,共同協助統包商進行工程的先期檢討作業與現場的協調。如此在將來統包工作實務上,應可以有效解決現行已知的巨大矛盾,具體提昇工作效率,達到機關、承包商、專管監造三贏的重要任務。


It is a trend in the world to adopt the turnkey method for the delivery of public projects to replace the traditional deign-bid-build method. Especially after the enacting of the "Government Procurement Act" and the "Regulations for Implementing Turnkey Contracts", turnkey project has a legal basis. In recent years, there are more and more domestic projects being delivered in turnkey method. Under the framework of domestic procurement laws, site supervision and technical services are one of the main ways for all the government agencies to execute quality control and supervise the construction quality. However, with the evolution of the times, the complexity of construction projects and the diversity of interfaces made the traditional design-bid-build delivery method no longer meeting the needs of the owners. When the goal is fast-tracked project delivery, cost reduction, and optimizing construction interface, the turnkey method is often adopted for project delivery. Looking at the domestic turnkey public works, the builder assists the architect on the integration of the design and construction throughout the project from the beginning to the completion. The result of the integration plays a big role on the quality of the project. In this type of turnkey method, Professional Construction Manager (PCM) carries out the preliminary planning phase and site supervision work and manages the awarded turnkey builder. From a policy perspective, the most important purpose of adopting turnkey delivery method is to improve efficiency.  The objective of this research is to explore the scope of site supervision executed by Professional Construction Manager (PCM) appointed by the government. Currently, when the government agencies across the country handle the turnkey project tenders, most of them are not a specialized agency. In those non-specialized agencies, the lack of the engineering professionals results in numerous mistakes from incapability of tender preparation, tender evaluation, reviews of construction documents, site supervision, site inspection and so on, which greatly affects the efficiency of the public works. Under such circumstances, how should a Professional Construction Manager (PCM) executes the site supervision and administration work? Is the current supervision role effective? By taking this type of the project as a reference, this research will explore the possibility of the introduction of a third-party construction supervisor across the phases of the project assisting on construction quality supervision, shortening construction time as well as cost reduction and optimization of the construction interfaces. With data collection, reference research execution analysis, and expert interview questionnaires, this research will summarize several influencing factors in each phase for turnkey projects: A.Clarify the important problems on Professional Construction Manager (PCM) executing site supervision work in turnkey public works. 1.List up the current issues of Professional Construction Manager (PCM) executing supervision work and analyze the factors and their correlation of the supervision administration system affecting the turnkey projects. 2.Analysis of the scope of site administration: including the responsibilities of site supervision, influence of prior Design Development documents review, the administrative system of the site supervision in construction phase, and the influence of the VOs (variation orders) in construction phase. B.Possibility of introducing a third-party site supervision company in turnkey public works. 1.Possible issues in adopting the third-party site supervision in turnkey public projects. 2.Establish SOP for adopting the third-party supervision in turnkey public projects. It is expected to develop a feasible strategy for site supervision administration in turnkey public projects as a reference for the tender and procurement of government engineering agencies.   The method of this research is to collect relevant data, domestic and oversea research reference on the topic of third-party (independent) supervision and traditional site supervision roles in turnkey project. By analyzing issues related to supervision administration in executing turnkey projects, it is going to summarize various factors that may affect the third-party supervision and management of turnkey projects and establish a systematic framework and charts. In the meantime, the questionnaires using five-point Likert-type scale, which is a digital multiple-item scales, allows participants to evaluate each item (impact factor) for the importance of positive, preferred, negative, or not preferred, expressing their conceptual attitudes, and then use the calculated attitude scores to quantify individualized opinions. The research objects are mainly from the domestic construction related industries, who have been exposed to turnkey projects and been selected as suitable for the research; or delivering questionnaires to participants in relevant turnkey seminars. Through the research and investigation, it is apparent that the execution process of turnkey public projects involves a wide range of issues. In order to best executing the turnkey projects, it is necessary to find out the most critical issue. The site supervision role of Professional Construction Manager (PCM) will be no doubt the first issue to be discussed in turnkey public projects. The elements affecting PCM executing the site supervision administration are quite diverse and that could bring a great impact on the construction administration of turnkey public projects. As shown by the above research, there are indeed quite a lot of conflicts and contradictions in the current PCM site supervision system. The most significant one would be the ambiguity of the roles and responsibilities between the contract awarded party and the supervising party. This ambiguity leads to the gap of the responsibility causing the conflicts and a loose end of the site supervision work. This is also the most criticized point in the survey for the research. The level of professional knowledge and the manpower of the PCM team are also the influencing factors which could cause conflicts in the actual project execution. Besides, there is an obvious fundamental issue. When the government drafts the turnkey design delivery brief, it should be in line with the long-term goals and needs. Judging from the current results, the turnkey design delivery brief in many reference projects have a large gap between completed projects and the actual requirements from the commissioning agencies or the end users. In some cases, there are even different considerations for the most basic space requirements, purposes, etc. As far as we know, from our investigation, the variation orders on Design Delivery Brief issued after construction is commenced would reduce the time for coordinating the interfaces which greatly impact the construction. This is a big frustration for the turnkey project team and could lead to inefficiency. To avoid this, there should be a more rigorous system to confirm the contents of the Design Delivery brief for the turnkey projects, followed by selecting the turnkey team, rather than making changes to the design after construction has started. Therefore, the perspectives of turnkey project management should be controlled at the fundamental level. Besides, is there an advance debugging mechanism for the turnkey design party and the supervision management party? In addition, can an advance review system and time be allocated in drawing production and interface coordination phase? Early intervention in coordination and role assignment could be more proactive in enabling turnkey project team with sufficient time to review and carry out construction. The direction of thinking in this research is to separate the site supervision from the work scope of PCM and adopt a third-party independent supervision system. This approach is not only beneficial to one party, but also to bring forward the heavy coordination work and supervision interface to the early stage, integrating the current PCM role to balance the authority and responsibilities. It is recommended to add the process and analysis to assist the introduction of the third-party site supervision in the current system, find out the timing in early joint participation, and assist the turnkey contractor to carry out the preliminary review of the project and the coordination on site. By adopting such a system in the future turnkey project practice, it should be able to effectively identify the known contradiction in early stage, improve the work efficiency, and achieve the important task of win-win for the agency, the contractor, and the professional supervision and management role.


