  • 學位論文


Searching for Influential Morbid Obese Genes and Prognostic Genes for Bariatric Surgeries in Taiwan Han Chinese and Developing Novel DNA Pooling Methods for Association Study

指導教授 : 潘文涵


中文摘要 過去30年來,全世界肥胖的盛行率有急速上昇的趨勢。肥胖不僅是許多慢性疾病的危險因子,也會影響到肥胖患者的生活品質及人際關係。而有效的減重可以改善肥胖患者血糖及血脂異常的情況,並降低肥胖患者各種疾病的風險。許多文獻指出,不同的種族會受到不同肥胖基因的影響,但至目前為止,很少有針對台灣的漢族群做系統性肥胖基因篩選的研究。加上近年來台灣肥胖的盛行率也有逐年升高的趨勢,所以找出對於漢族群貢獻較大的致肥胖基因,並應用於肥胖的防治上,將是當務之急。本研究利用病例對照的相關性研究法,尋找出對於漢族群貢獻較大的致病態型肥胖基因。另外,我們也將探討這些致病態型肥胖基因是否會影響減重手術的成效,以便未來應用於手術前的篩選。同時為符合成本效益,我們原本打算以gDNA pooling 的方式進行相關性研究,但卻發現以κ校正法所估計的對偶基因頻率在某些情況下與實際值有系統性的誤差存在。因此我們試圖發展一個較佳的 DNA pooling 校正法,期望未來可以將之應用於大型的基因相關性試驗。 研究一 搜尋台灣病態型肥胖重要易感受基因 本研究是針對居住於台灣的漢族群做系統性的肥胖基因篩選,希望能找出對於漢族群貢獻較大的致病態型肥胖基因。我們總共收集304位BMI


Abstract The prevalence of obesity has been growing rapidly worldwide in the last 30 years. Obesity is not only a major public health concern but also considered as an important risk factor of various chronic diseases. Conversely, weight loss for obese patients can make a substantial contribution to reducing hyperlipidemia, improving glycemic control, treating hypertension and decreasing the risk of dying from cancer. Evidences from many litetures have obviously shown that obesity and weight loss for obese patients are strongly influenced by genes and environments, but previous studies showed heterogeneous findings on potential obesity loci, using large variety of obesity phenotypes across multiple populations. Yet there are relatively few systematic studies in Han Chinese to screen for obesity and weight loss prognostic genes. Hence our study is the first of its kinds in Han Chinese to search for major obesity genes and weight loss prognostic genes after bariatric surgeries, using morbid obesity (BMI


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