  • 學位論文


Financial Sustainability Oriented Strategies for Urban Mass Rapid Transit Operation

指導教授 : 張學孔


本研究針對捷運成本高、營收大多無法達到損益平衡的課題,從「財務永續」的角度探討都市捷運系統的營運策略,同時以高雄捷運系統為實例,研擬達成財務永續的具體策略與行動方案。 在研究方法上,首先以「五力分析」剖析都市捷運在軌道運輸產業中營收增長的能力以及可能的競爭對手;再以有形和無形資源、競爭優勢及價值鏈分析,建立都市捷運的核心競爭力;另外,由SWOT分析,找出都市捷運的優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅;然後,根據SWOT分析的內容,以TOWS分析法做策略配對,研擬都市捷運的提高營收的策略,評估各項策略之「有效性」及「可行性」,並以「可行性」評估結果提出短、中、長期的具體策略方案。 在實證研究中,本文證實高雄捷運營收之直接影響因素係「替代品的威脅」,亦即「摩托車」這項運具係高雄捷運營收的「最大掠奪者」。同時,本文亦確認高雄捷運的八項核心競爭能力,並據以提出短、中、長期增加營收與降低成本之具體策略,期能在企業內部營運以及政府外部實質環境的共同努力下,使高雄捷運達到財務永續且社會永續的發展目標。 本研究所提出融合五力分析、核心競爭力及SWOT分析等概念,建構之「財務永續都市捷運系統經營策略擬訂及評估」模式,並不會受限於都市差異而降低其適用性與分析能力,對於任何一個都市的捷運系統,只要依據模式分析的原則與評估的方法及步驟,皆可研擬出適合其特性之財務永續策略。另外,該分析方法不僅能應用在都市捷運系統,亦能適用於其他如高鐵、台鐵等軌道運輸系統之相關評估與策略研擬。


This research explores potential operation strategies based on “financial sustainability” with considering the attributes of high cost and low revenue. Kaohsoung Rapid Transit System (KRTS) is used as the case study, where the strategies for financial sustainability are analyzed and evaluated. In this research, “five forces analyses” has been conducted for the profitability of KRTS. Further more, with the SWOT and TOWS analyses, this paper discovers strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of urban mass rapid transit system. The validity and the feasibility are considered as basis to identify the short-, mid- and long-term strategies for achieving the goal of financial sustainability. In Kaohsiung case study, it is found that “the substitute threat” is the motorcycle which is the biggest profit spoliator of KRTC. Moreover, it is suggested that establishment of the KRTC's core competitive ability involved eight major items. Accordingly, this study proposes the short-, mid- and long- term strategies to increase the revenue and decrease the cost, respectively. It is also suggested that the KRTC should at present consider financial sustainability and properly reduce operation cost and seek governmental subsidy in order to develop a healthy financial environment. According to financial sustainability point of view for MRT, this study combines five forces analysis, core competitive capabilities and SWOT analysis to develop a comprehensive model of “Evaluating Financial Sustainability Strategies for Urban Mass Transit Operation”. In the meantime, this model is a general form and has great transferability to other metropolitan areas. Moreover, this model can not only be applied to metro rail system but also be used in other railway systems such as high speed rail system or inter city railway system for the relevant strategy eualuation and development.


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