  • 學位論文


Exploring the Rapport between Customers and Self-service Technologies

指導教授 : 林俊昇


在服務業領域中探討如何與顧客建立融洽關係是近來重要的議題之一,隨著自助服務科技在服務業所扮演的角色已日趨重要,在相關的研究領域中,卻甚少著墨於自助服務科技與顧客間融洽關係之因果關係探討。因此,本研究主要的目的是發展出一個融洽關係建立模型,以瞭解自助服務科技與顧客間是如何建立起融洽關係,以填補此研究缺口。本研究根據過去文獻探討提出自助服務科技之特性與顧客間融洽關係的前因包含五大因素,分別為易用性、娛樂性、設計、客製化及保證性。另外,在融洽關係建立之結果部分,則研究融洽關係對於行為意圖之影響。 研究結果發現,自助服務科技之易用性、娛樂性、設計、客製化及保證性等五前因皆對於融洽關係具有顯著的影響,因而當自助服務科技與顧客之間存在融洽關係時,則會使得顧客產生正向行為意圖。因此,本文顯示出融洽關係在服務流程中的必要性,並且提供意見給予自助服務科技提供業者做為日後參考依據。


With the increasingly important role of self-service technology (SST) in service industry, exploring how to establish rapport between SST and customers is one of important issues recently. However, there has been little research exploring the antecedents and consequences of such rapport in service interactions. In order to fill the research gap, we propose and test a model which illustrates how the rapport builds up between SST and customer. Based on past research, we propose that the antecedents of rapport include ease of use, entertainment, design, customization and assurance while the behavioral intentions as a consequences. Results showed that all the antecedents of rapport, including ease of use, entertainment, design, customization and assurance, have positive influence on SST-customer rapport, which in turn enhances behavioral intentions. Implications, limitations and future research directions are then discussed.


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