  • 學位論文


The study on cross-boundary governance of tap water supply problems in Taipei Metropolitan Area

指導教授 : 林子倫


臺灣的水資源因地形、降雨集中等因素影響,水資源日趨匱乏。本研究以大臺北地區飲用供水跨域治理過程中引發的困境與衝突為個案,多年來臺北市與新北市爲了新店溪及翡翠水庫的水資源而戰,從水源調配、水權歸屬、水價不一致、水質良窳不一等爭論,演變到政黨歧見與本位利益對立的泛政治性議題。經濟部水利署推動板新地區供水改善計畫過程更造成兩市在水資源調配管理上的困境與衝突,也引發臺北自來水事業處與台灣自來水公司兩個自來水事業機關間的經營競爭與組織合併紛擾。 本研究所謂的跨域範圍涵蓋跨縣市、跨部門、跨事業體、跨水權人、跨標的用水、跨職權、跨資源共享等層面,希望透過府際合作的跨域治理理論及論述分析途徑,釐清大臺北地區飲用供水跨域治理政策發展歷程之影響、各利害關係人的主張論述,以及不同階段的供水爭議及政經背景分析,以了解未來大臺北地區水資源跨域治理的可行性與爭議所在。並針對翡翠水共飲的多元爭議面向進行論述分析,分別探究「政治面向:政黨本位的論述衝突」、「經濟面向:使用效率的論述衝突」、「社會面向:公平合理的論述衝突」 、「環境面向:永續利用的論述衝突」及「法規面向:權責制度的論述衝突」。 本研究發現臺北市政府與市長主導整個政策的發展走向,其所主張的論述代表了結構性的力量,跨域供水政策的成敗操之在於擁有新店溪水權的臺北市政府及北水處是否配合執行。利害關係人中以新北市政府最缺乏倡議的論述力量,因為新北市居民的飲用供水是由台水公司所掌控,新北市政府缺乏直接管理、督導之權。另水利署雖為自來水事業中央主管機關,但因位階上與台水公司同隸屬於經濟部所轄的平行機關,在職權行使上常有窒礙。 政策建議可從短、中、長期三個階段來進行,以降低跨域供水的衝突,促進大臺北地區飲用供水跨域治理政策之成功。短期方式建議應調整合理水價、積極推動水資源管理政策、加強水資源教育宣導作為、鼓勵社會公民參與及建立翡翠水庫跨域供水合作平台等。中期建議應研商合理清水價格、修訂地方制度法、水利法、災害防救法等相關法規,以及供水轄區重劃分等,建立跨域供水的夥伴治理模式。長期建議應依照國土計畫進行行政轄區與供水轄區合一、成立跨域組織及進行自來水事業經營模式的調整。


Due to the reason of terrain and concentrated rainfall, the shortage of water resource is getting worse in Taiwan. This study explores the dilemmas and conflicts induced by the cross- boundary governance of tap water supply in Taipei Metropolitan area. There exists a long-term competition for water resource of Hsin-Dian Stream and Feitsui Reservoir between Taipei city and New Taipei city. Disputes such as water quality, water allocation, ownership of water rights, and inconsistence of tap water price, have evolved into issues of pan-political on political party disagreement and selfish departmentalism conflict. Moreover, During the implementation period of Pan-Hsin Area Water Supply Improvement Plan conducted by Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs, which not only leaded to dilemmas and conflicts on water resource allocation and management, but also triggered off turbulence of operations managing competition and organizational merge between Taipei Water Department and Taiwan Water Corporation. The scope of cross-boundary governance in this study includes aspects of inter-jurisdictional, cross ministerial, cross business entity, cross water right holder, cross water usage, cross authority, cross resource sharing, etc. In order to explore the feasibility and dispute of cross-boundary governance of water resource in Taipei Metropolitan area, this research hopes to evaluate the issues about cross-boundary governance of tap water supply in Taipei Metropolitan area, the advocates of various stakeholders, the disputes of water supply in different stage, and the analysis of political and economic background, by means of cross-boundary governance theory of inter-governmental cooperation and discourse analysis approach. The results of this research are as follows: Taipei city government and Taipei city Mayor dominate the direction of policy development, whose proposition of discourse exerts structural influence. The key to the successful implementation of the cross-boundary tap water supply policy depends on whether it is enforced effectively by Taipei City government and Taipei Water Department, who own the water right of Hsin-Dian Stream. Among the stakeholders, because the tap water supply of New Taipei City is managed by Taiwan Water Corporation, New Taipei City government does not possess the rights of direct management and supervision, and thus the discourse has less influence. On the other hand, although Water Resources Agency, Ministry of Economic Affairs is the central authority in charging of the water supply, its level is the same as the Taiwan Water Corporation, both of them are subordinate agencies of Ministry of Economic Affairs, so there exist obstacles and conflicts in exercising command and supervisory authority. This study provides short-, medium- and long-term policy suggestions to improve the policy enforcement of cross-boundary governance of tap water supply in Taipei Metropolitan area. For the short-term phase, the suggestions are listed as follows: adjust the tap water price of Taipei city reasonably; implement the water resource management policy aggressively; reinforce the promotion of water resource education; encourage citizen participating; establish platform of across-boundary tap water supply cooperation of Feitsui Reservoir. For the medium-term phase, proposals are list as follows: to discuss and formulate reasonable purified water supply price for Taiwan Water Corporation, to revise related act such as Local Government Act, Water Act, Disaster Prevention and Protection Act. Furthermore, to consolidate water supply jurisdiction, and develop the collaborative governance model of cross-boundary tap water supply. As for the long-term phase, it is necessary to integrate the administrative jurisdiction and water supply jurisdiction according to National Land Planning; and to establish the cross-boundary organization and conduct adjustment of tap water business operations management model.




